Editor's note: At present, the issue of restructuring the organizational apparatus (TCBM), streamlining the payroll, restructuring the staff, civil servants, and public employees (CB, CC, VC) from the central to local levels is being urgently and rapidly implemented by ministries, departments, and branches of the central and local levels across the country. This is also an issue that is of great concern to public opinion. Laichau Online Newspaper reporter interviewed comrade Dao Thi Lan Anh - Provincial Party Committee member, Director of the Department of Home Affairs about the implementation of this task.
Reporter (PV): Dear comrade, in order to implement the policy of rearranging the TCBM, streamlining the payroll, restructuring the contingent of civil servants, public employees, and employees of our Party and State, Lai Chau province as well as the whole country is actively and urgently implementing with many flexible solutions, suitable to actual conditions. Could you tell us how the Department of Home Affairs has advised the province to carry out this task?
Comrade Dao Thi Lan Anh:
Implementing Conclusion No. 09-KL/BCĐ dated November 24, 2024 of the Central Steering Committee (SC) and Conclusion No. 01-KL/TU dated December 11, 2024 of the Provincial SC on summarizing Resolution 18-NQ/TW of the Party Central Committee on restructuring TCBM (Resolution 18), the Department of Home Affairs has chaired and coordinated with agencies and units to develop a plan to reorganize and streamline TCBM. The agencies and units are also very determined, resolute, clearly defining goals and tasks; proactively reviewing and proposing to merge organizations, departments, offices, and units with similar functions and tasks. By December 17, 2024, the Department of Home Affairs had completed consulting the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee, the Provincial People's Committee submitted to the Provincial Steering Committee a plan to reorganize and streamline the organization.
Comrade Dao Thi Lan Anh - Provincial Party Committee member, Director of the Department of Home Affairs reported on the implementation of the rearrangement of TCBM and staff at the provincial conference held in early January 2025.
On December 30, 2024, the Provincial Party Executive Committee met and unanimously approved the plan; accordingly, the following departments were merged: Department of Finance and Department of Planning and Investment; Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Department of Natural Resources and Environment; Department of Science and Technology and Department of Information and Communications; Department of Construction and Department of Transport; Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs and Department of Home Affairs; establishment of Department of Ethnic Minorities and Religions; dissolution of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, merger of the Training Department and the Student Affairs Department of Lai Chau College; transfer of the organization and staffing of the Farmers' Support Center under the Provincial Farmers' Association, the Youth and Children's Activities Center under the Provincial Youth Union to the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee for management; dissolution of 2 departments under the Youth and Children's Activities Center.
After the merger, all internal organizations will be reduced by at least 20%, with some agencies reducing up to 33%. Up to now, the Department of Home Affairs has completed the Project and Resolution on the establishment and consolidation of specialized agencies under the Provincial People's Committee (expected to be submitted to the Provincial People's Council meeting in February 2025). Thus, according to the Project after the establishment and consolidation, Lai Chau Provincial People's Committee will have 14 affiliated specialized agencies, reducing 5 agencies; reducing 21 departments and public service units under specialized agencies, 9 departments under sub-departments, and 5 departments under public service units under specialized agencies.
In order to unify and synchronize the arrangement of TCBM in the whole province, associated with the arrangement of civil servants, public employees, and employees, on December 20, 2024, the Department of Home Affairs advised the Provincial People's Committee to issue 2 official dispatches on the orientation of TCBM arrangement and orientation of developing a plan for arranging and arranging civil servants, public employees, employees, and employees working under the contract regime; on January 13, 2025, the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 184/UBND-TH directing agencies and units to supplement and complete the plan for arranging and streamlining TCBM.
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment merged and conducted a year-end summary on January 9.
PV: So, in the process of arranging and perfecting the political system to ensure "Refined, compact, strong, effective, efficient, effective", has our province encountered any difficulties or problems? Sir?
Ms. Dao Thi Lan Anh:
For agencies and units that are not subject to consolidation according to the Central's direction, striving to reduce the number of internal units by about 15% is difficult because since the implementation of Resolution 18-NQ/TW, the number of internal units has been drastically reduced, with some agencies currently having only 3-4 affiliated departments.
The arrangement of TCBM in the direction of streamlining, drastically reducing focal points, streamlining the payroll associated with improving the quality of the staff with high requirements and urgent progress is both difficult and sensitive, related to the interests, thoughts, and feelings of civil servants, public employees, employees and workers; however, some specific issues do not have regulations and instructions from the Central Government, so it is very confusing in implementation such as:
The implementation of sending about 5% of civil servants, public employees, and employees on the payroll to work at the grassroots level has not yet had specific instructions on working at the People's Committees at the commune level or agencies at the district level, while the majority of the People's Committees at the commune level, departments, and units at the district level have arranged enough cadres and civil servants according to the prescribed payroll number, so they can arrange 5% of cadres and civil servants to work at the grassroots level outside the assigned payroll number or within the assigned payroll number.
At point 2 of Official Dispatch No. 31 on summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18 of the Government, it is required to urgently develop and promulgate specific criteria suitable to the characteristics of the practical situation of the locality in conjunction with the assessment of civil servants, public employees and workers. Responsibility is assigned to the Party Committee, the government and the head to decide on the subjects who must quit their jobs due to the rearrangement of the TCBM, streamlining the payroll, reducing at least 20% of civil servants and public employees receiving salaries from the state budget to comply with the policy implementation roadmap as prescribed in Decree No. 178. However, the development of criteria for assessing civil servants, public employees, public employees and workers to ensure comprehensiveness, democracy, objectivity, publicity and transparency has not been agreed upon.
PV: The restructuring of the apparatus towards streamlining, drastically reducing the number of focal points, streamlining the payroll associated with improving the quality of the team is both difficult and sensitive, related to the rights, aspirations, thoughts, and feelings of civil servants, public employees, employees, and workers. In the coming time, what solutions does the Department of Home Affairs have in advising on implementation?
Ms. Dao Thi Lan Anh: With high political determination in implementing and completing the TCBM of the political system, the Department of Home Affairs proposes a number of tasks and solutions:
Firstly, do a good job of thoroughly grasping the policies, orientations and directions of the Central and the province on streamlining the TCBM in conjunction with restructuring the staff, civil servants and public employees. Closely follow the orientation of the arrangement according to the requirements of Decree 18. Pay attention to the ideological work of civil servants, public employees and workers in the process of arranging and streamlining the apparatus.
Although it is still difficult to reorganize and streamline the apparatus, reduce staff, and restructure the staff, Lai Chau will certainly achieve its set goals.
Second, arrange and streamline the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees at the provincial and district levels to ensure synchronization, unity, and connectivity with each sector and field from the central level to the province and district. Reasonable specialized agencies under the People's Committees at the provincial and district levels manage multiple sectors and fields, implement the principle that one agency performs many tasks and one task is assigned to only one agency to preside over and take primary responsibility, without overlap, interference, or omission of functions and tasks. Strive to reduce about 15% of the number of internal focal points of departments and sectors and be suitable to the situation and characteristics of each locality.
Third, strictly implement the principle of ensuring comprehensive leadership of Party committees and organizations in arranging and deploying cadres, civil servants and public employees in accordance with Party regulations and the law; cadres, civil servants and public employees must strictly comply with the assignment of the organization and the decision of competent authorities. Heads of agencies, units and localities must be responsible for arranging and deploying cadres, civil servants and public employees under their management, ensuring the set goals according to the requirements of the Central Committee.
The arrangement of the head is selected by the competent authority according to the management hierarchy. The selected personnel can be inside or outside the agencies, organizations and units that are merged or consolidated into the new unit. In case they are not arranged to continue to be the head, they will be arranged and assigned to the adjacent lower position and enjoy the policies according to the Government's regulations. Based on the actual number of deputies, the collective leadership of the agency, unit or locality decides to arrange the deputy head of the new agency or unit after the arrangement or arrange to another agency, organization or unit according to the requirements of the tasks and capacity of the staff; in the immediate future, the number of deputies of the agency or unit formed after the arrangement may be higher than the regulations, but the agency, unit or locality must develop a plan to reduce the number of deputies according to the general regulations within 5 years (from the date the competent authority approves the Project).
Fourth, the arrangement and streamlining of the apparatus requires a minimum reduction of 20% of civil servants and public employees receiving salaries from the state budget, ensuring that it does not affect the performance of tasks; sending about 5% of civil servants, public employees and public employees in the payroll of agencies, organizations and units on business trips to the grassroots level.
Fifth, promptly implement policies for civil servants, public employees, and employees subject to rearrangement. Timely commend and encourage collectives and individuals with many achievements and contributions to agencies, organizations, and units in the process of rearranging TCBM associated with streamlining the payroll. At the same time, also handle cases of avoidance and lack of determination in implementing the Politburo's policy.
PV: Thank you very much, comrade!
On December 31, 2024, the Government issued Decree No. 178-ND/CP on policies and regimes for civil servants, public employees, workers and armed forces in implementing the organizational structure of the political system (Decree 178), effective from January 1, 2025. Major policies related to early retirement, resignation and resignation are specifically regulated as follows: (1) Applicable to people retiring before age: a, In case of age from 2 to 5 years to retirement age according to regulations: Enjoy the following policies: - Receive a one-time retirement benefit for early retirement: + For those who retire within the first 12 months from the date of the decision to arrange TCBM by the competent authority: Receive a subsidy equal to 1 month of current salary multiplied by the number of months of early retirement compared to the time of retirement. + For those who retire from the 13th month onwards from the date of the decision to arrange TCBM by the competent authority, they will receive 0.5 times the allowance compared to those who retire in the first 12 months. - Enjoy early retirement policy based on working time with compulsory social insurance payment and number of years of early retirement as follows: + No deduction of pension rate due to early retirement. + Subsidy of 5 months of current salary for each year of early retirement compared to the prescribed retirement age. + Subsidized 5 months of current salary for the first 20 years of work with mandatory social insurance. From the 21st year onwards, for each year of work with mandatory social insurance, subsidized 0.5 months of current salary. b, In case of age from 5 to 10 years old, reaching retirement age according to regulations: Enjoy the following policies: - Receive a one-time pension benefit for early retirement: + For those who retire within the first 12 months from the date of the decision to arrange TCBM by the competent authority: Receive 0.9 months of current salary multiplied by 60 months. + For those who retire from the 13th month onwards from the date of the decision to arrange TCBM by the competent authority, they will receive 0.5 times the allowance compared to those who retire in the first 12 months. - Enjoy early retirement policy based on working time with compulsory social insurance payment and number of years of early retirement as follows: + No deduction of pension rate due to early retirement. + Allowance of 4 months of current salary for each year of early retirement compared to the prescribed retirement age. + Subsidized 5 months of current salary for the first 20 years of work with mandatory social insurance. From the 21st year onwards, for each year of work with mandatory social insurance, subsidized 0.5 months of current salary. c, In case of being less than 2 years old to the prescribed retirement age and having enough working time with compulsory social insurance payment to receive pension according to the provisions of the law on social insurance: Enjoy retirement benefits according to the provisions of the law on social insurance and not have the pension rate deducted due to early retirement and receive a one-time pension benefit for the number of months of early retirement as calculated for retirees within the first 12 months as prescribed in Point a, Clause 1, Article 7, Decree No. 178/2024/ND-CP. (2) Applying leave of absence to cadres and civil servants (Article 9) Officers and civil servants who have worked for 2 years or more and are at retirement age and are not eligible for early retirement policies and regimes, if they quit their jobs, will enjoy 4 regimes: - Receive severance pay (if you quit within the first 12 months, you will receive a benefit equal to 0.8 months of current salary multiplied by the number of months for calculating severance pay; if you quit from the 13th month onwards, you will receive a benefit equal to 0.4 months of current salary multiplied by the number of months for calculating severance pay); - Receive a subsidy of 1.5 months of current salary for each year of work with mandatory social insurance; - Reserve social insurance payment period or receive one-time social insurance according to the provisions of the law on social insurance; - Receive 3 months of current salary to find a job. (3) On resignation for civil servants and employees (Article 10) Officials and employees who have worked for 2 years or more and are at retirement age are entitled to 4 regimes like officials and civil servants who have quit their jobs, except for the 4th regime of officials and employees who are entitled to unemployment benefits according to regulations. (4) For civil servants, public employees, and leaders who cease to hold their positions or are elected or appointed to lower leadership or management positions, their salary or allowance for the old leadership position will be retained until the end of the election term or appointment term. (5) In addition, there are policies for people on business trips to the grassroots level, on promoting people with outstanding qualities and abilities, and on training and improving the qualifications of cadres and civil servants after reassignment. |
Source: https://baolaichau.vn/ch%C3%ADnh-tr%E1%BB%8B/tinh-g%E1%BB%8Dn-b%E1%BB%99-m%C3%A1y-%C4%91%E1%BB%83-n%C3%A2ng-cao-hi%E1%BB%87u-l%E1%BB%B1c-hi%E1%BB%87u-qu%E1%BA%A3-qu%E1%BA%A3n-l%C3%BD
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