People's Artist Thanh Tuan and People's Artist Minh Vuong in the program Artists and Stage HTV
People's Artist Minh Vuong said that when he went to collect mosquito larvae to feed the betta fish at the foot of the Y-shaped bridge, he saw a traditional singing class taught by Mr. Bay Trach.
He stood outside watching and then went home to ask his parents to let him study. After a few days of studying, a young man the same age as him also asked to be taught by the teacher, that was People's Artist Thanh Tuan.
"We were both the same age, studied with the same teacher, when we heard about the "Khoi Nguyen vong co" contest, the teacher chose both of us to compete, but Thanh Tuan at that time asked the teacher to let us compete in the next round. When we both became famous, we both returned to Kim Chung Company, each holding a troupe with the main role. In 1978, when Tran Huu Trang Theater invited us to work, we were in the same troupe, there are so many memories between the two of us" - People's Artist Minh Vuong shared.
People's Artist Thanh Tuan and People's Artist Minh Vuong
With People's Artist Thanh Tuan, he mentioned his close friend with admiration: "Mr. Vung - I used to call Minh Vuong by his real name, Nguyen Van Vung, always practiced enthusiastically. He was hardworking and knew how to listen to sincere suggestions. When Minh Vuong became famous for his role as Nguyen Trai in the play "Rang Ngoc Con Son", I later also played this role and was loved by the audience. We both shared the same wish, which was to build the Golden Stage to build charity houses to give to the poor" - famous singer Thanh Tuan said.
People's Artist Thanh Tuan and People's Artist Minh Vuong
People's Artist Minh Vuong shares the same sentiment with his fellow artist, that is, the cai luong stage must break free from "barriers". "From the perspective of an artist, I see that the cai luong stage still faces many difficulties. First of all, it is the stable management. Currently, the dispersion of forces has not brought about an effect for cai luong. Next, it must be rectified from the script stage. The stage is lacking writers who are attached to the troupe, or more accurately, the troupes do not have enough appeal for the authors to attach themselves to the collective. Cai luong in 2024 must break free from these "barriers" to escape difficulties. That is, the author writes in a tailor-made way, so that the stage has many good plays, and the artists have more good roles" - People's Artist Minh Vuong said.
Their prediction for 2024 is that the Cai Luong stage will have more plays that enhance the aesthetics and awareness of young people about community life.
As for Tran Huu Trang Opera House, in 2024, it will rejuvenate its actors and perform experimental plays, which have been achieved after the success of several plays: "Hamlet Hotel", "Ben Cau Det Lua", "Hiu hiu gio bac"...
Both of them were awarded the title of People's Artist by the State in 2019. What is more honorable is that the two artists were invited to join the art council of the "Golden Rice Flower" and "Golden Bell of Traditional Opera" competitions.
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