Accordingly, the revolutionary diet "5:2 diet" of the late doctor Michael Mosley (UK) can be a very good way for people with type 2 diabetes, because it has been proven to be more effective than drugs in controlling the disease, according to the Daily Mail.
The 5:2 diet is a weight loss diet that involves eating very little for 2 days a week and eating a balanced diet for the other 5 days.
The 5:2 diet is quite simple and easy to follow: Choose 2 non-consecutive days of the week to reduce your calorie intake to about 500 - 600 calories, and eat normally for the remaining 5 days.
A research team led by scientists at Beijing Hospital in China recruited more than 400 diabetic patients, divided into three groups.
The first group was given the diabetes drug Metformin, the second group was given the diabetes drug Empagliflozin, and the third group took no medication and only followed the 5:2 diet.
Group 3 will eat a low-calorie meal two days a week, about 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men. On the other five days, they choose their own breakfast and lunch but eat a low-calorie dinner. They are also asked to track their calorie intake.
Surprisingly, after 16 weeks of testing, the results showed that people in the 5:2 diet group had better blood sugar levels than those taking one of the two drugs, according to Daily Mail.
This group also lost the most weight – 9.7 kg compared with 5.5 kg in the Metformin group and 5.8 kg in the Empagliflozin group.
The 5:2 diet may be an effective alternative to medication for people with type 2 diabetes, researchers say.
What is the 5:2 diet?
People on the 5:2 diet had better blood sugar levels than those on medication
This is a weight loss diet, invented by Dr Mosley in 2011. He said people following this diet can lose about 0.5 kg per week and improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as insulin sensitivity.
This doctor also applied this diet and successfully reversed his type 2 diabetes.
The 5:2 diet is quite simple and easy to follow: Choose 2 non-consecutive days of the week to reduce your calorie intake to about 500 - 600 calories, and eat normally for the remaining 5 days.
The basis is that after 1 day of limiting calorie intake, the body will switch from using energy from food to burning stored fat.
In particular, this method does not require strict requirements on the types of foods to avoid or to be allowed to use. Therefore, it quickly attracted millions of people around the world to apply and bring many health benefits, according to Daily Mail.
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