Why is it necessary to immediately organize a conference to disseminate Resolution 10 of the Central Committee?
On the morning of October 20, the Politburo and the Central Party Secretariat held a national conference to disseminate and implement the Resolution of the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee.
The conference was held live from the Central bridge at Dien Hong Hall, National Assembly House; combined online to 14,934 bridges, with more than 1.2 million attendees.
General Secretary and President To Lam attended and directed the Conference at the Central bridge point.
Overview of the conference (Photo: VGP).
In his concluding remarks, General Secretary and President To Lam clearly stated the reasons why it was necessary to organize a conference to disseminate and implement the Resolution of the 10th Central Conference of the 13th tenure.
The General Secretary and President said that to bring the country into a new era, an era of national growth, an era of development and prosperity, the 10th Central Conference has agreed on political determination, strategic breakthroughs, directions, and strategic solutions with new thinking and awareness.
The conference also agreed on policies for many important tasks to accelerate and make breakthroughs towards the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and best prepare for Party Congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress.
On the basis of the Central Committee's unity, bringing the Party's Resolution to each Party Cell and each Party member, deeply permeating and integrating it into practical life is a very urgent and pressing issue.
General Secretary and President To Lam speaks at the conference (Photo: VGP).
This requires our entire Party, people and army to form a unified bloc in will and action, to join forces, make great efforts with methodical and precise steps, to make the most of opportunities and advantages, and to mobilize all resources to successfully implement the policies and strategic directions that the Party Central Committee has unanimously planned.
Through the Conference, we also aim to exchange, discuss, and create high consensus in awareness, which is a premise for unifying actions in the entire political system according to set goals.
Deploying the North-South high-speed railway project as soon as possible and most effectively
Stating a number of key contents to be thoroughly grasped and implemented, General Secretary and President To Lam spent a lot of time discussing breakthrough contents in development institutions, removing bottlenecks and barriers.
He assessed that right after the 10th Central Conference of the 13th tenure, the National Assembly and the Government set an example, took the lead, acted immediately, acted very resolutely with the spirit of innovation, reform, and devoted themselves to the common cause.
The Prime Minister and Chairman of the National Assembly chaired many meetings to review the contents of laws submitted to the National Assembly for consideration and approval at the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly.
At this session, the mechanism of "Amending one law, adjusting many laws" was immediately implemented, in which one law amends three laws in the investment field; one law amends seven laws in the finance and asset management fields to remove difficulties and institutional obstacles, overcome bottlenecks, and create space for development.
In the proposal to amend legal regulations, administrative procedures have been thoroughly reformed, and maximum decentralization and delegation of power has been implemented in the spirit of the 10th Central Committee's agreement that "locality decides, locality acts, locality is responsible".
The General Secretary and President emphasized the need to strongly spread this spirit throughout the entire political system.
He requested ministries, branches, Party committees and authorities at all levels within the scope of their functions and tasks to focus on reviewing, amending and supplementing regulations, statutes and procedures.
Localities thoroughly assess their ability to be autonomous and self-reliant to specifically propose decentralization and delegation of power, ensuring that they best meet the requirements of practical development.
Delegates attending the conference (Photo: VGP).
" Immediately after this Conference, Party committees at all levels will have specific plans and focus on leadership and implementation. The specific assessment of the implementation results of the entire political system with measurable products will be one of the contents of the next Central Committee meeting," he emphasized.
Besides, it is necessary to focus on completing the goal of building socio-economic infrastructure, first of all, strategic infrastructure for transportation, energy infrastructure, digital infrastructure, etc.
The General Secretary and President requested to review and accelerate the implementation of national target programs and key projects with widespread effects, resolutely ensuring progress in all situations, and preferably shortening the progress.
He reiterated the experience of implementing the 500kV line 3 project, requesting that the ministries, branches and localities in charge review to achieve this goal.
Besides, it is necessary to immediately carry out work to implement the investment policy for the North-South high-speed railway project as soon as possible and most effectively.
Organizing the implementation of the Resolution is the key step.
Regarding the content of the work to prepare for party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress, the General Secretary and President emphasized the need to Focus on preparing the best personnel for party congresses at all levels.
In particular, focus on training, fostering, and testing comrades who are planned to participate in Party committees and standing committees of Party committees at all levels, ensuring the selection of Party committees, especially leaders with leadership capacity, high fighting spirit, daring to think, daring to do, and daring to take responsibility.
At the same time, personnel also need to dare to innovate for the common cause, have the capacity to lead and successfully implement the Party's policies, and put the Party's resolutions into practice in each field and locality.
The conference was attended by more than 1.2 million party members (Photo: VGP).
"If the Resolution is correct and accurate, then organizing its implementation is an especially important step, having a key meaning in bringing the Resolution into life, turning the Party's policies into revolutionary actions, creating material wealth and spiritual products, and bringing the country to strong and remarkable development.
"Through implementing the Resolution in life to discover, supplement, and increasingly perfect steps, find the shortest path to bring the country into a new era, an era of national growth, soon successfully build socialism, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the world powers," he emphasized.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/tong-bi-thu-chu-tich-nuoc-tim-con-duong-ngan-nhat-dua-dat-nuoc-vao-ky-nguyen-vuon-minh-192241020130106888.htm
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