'Child novelist' Cao Viet Quynh has just released a fantasy-fiction novel series "Dragon Continent" with materials from Greek, Roman, and Northern European mythology and characters from Vietnamese legends.
Cao Viet Quynh – the youngest author to ever win the National Book Award with his debut novel “The Comet” has just completed his second novel series titled “Dragon Continent.”
The author still maintains the writing style combining two elements of fantasy and science fiction in the 5-volume novel series published by Kim Dong Publishing House.
Turning each chapter of the novel, readers can meet characters from Greek, Roman, Northern European, Egyptian mythology... along with very familiar characters from Vietnamese legends and folklore such as Son Tinh, Thuy Tinh. With a large number of characters up to hundreds, young writer Cao Viet Quynh shows his writing technique as well as his artistic thinking that is mature beyond his age.
According to Dr. Ha Thanh Van, it is very difficult for the older generation of writers who have become famous to write differently from their familiar style. Therefore, in order for Vietnamese literature to be richer and more diverse, to meet the reading needs of many readers of many ages, many classes, many components and to have access to contemporary literature of the world, the expectation is mostly placed on young authors.
“Author Cao Viet Quynh and his novel series 'Dragon Continent' , along with his fantasy literary universe, have initially met some of those expectations. Cao Viet Quynh's works show the strength of fictional and imaginative elements, which are rarely seen in Vietnamese literature,” Dr. Ha Thanh Van affirmed.
Sharing about his new work, "child novelist" Cao Viet Quynh said that his work has gradually become more systematic than before, the stories are more coherent and reasonable, but he still tries not to lose the creativity and innovation from when he started writing.
“Right now, I am still in the learning and gaining experience phase, learning how to create unexpected twists, develop characters, build worlds… Sometimes, I focus on magical lands with magic, but other times, portraying the character’s inner thoughts is put first. After each page, I learn something new about writing, about new techniques, to continue to develop myself,” Cao Viet Quynh shared./.
Author Cao Viet Quynh was born in 2008 in Hanoi and currently lives in Ho Chi Minh City. Cao Viet Quynh began writing the 3-volume novel “The Comet” at the age of 9 and completed it at the age of 12.
This novel series was displayed and introduced at the 20th Bangkok International Copyright Book Fair, the 50th Thailand National Book Fair, the 30th Beijing International Book Fair... With "The Comet," Cao Viet Quynh received the 2022 National Book Award and is the youngest Vietnamese author to receive this award.
Source: https://www.vietnamplus.vn/tieu-thuyet-luc-dia-rong-than-thoai-chau-au-hoa-quyen-cung-co-tich-viet-nam-post987984.vnp
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