The Phat Diem Urban Infrastructure Improvement Sub-project, Kim Son District, Ninh Binh Province under the project "Improving Urban Infrastructure to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change for 4 North Central Coastal Provinces" is a multi-purpose project to strengthen infrastructure and improve capacity to respond to potential impacts of climate change while making an important contribution to the completion of infrastructure for the coastal district of Kim Son.
Focus on speeding up progress
As the first province to implement the project, up to now, the progress of the sub-project Improving urban infrastructure in Phat Diem, Kim Son district, Ninh Binh province under the project "Improving urban infrastructure to minimize the impact of climate change for 4 coastal provinces of North Central Vietnam" has been achieved according to the planned goals set by the investor.

Taking us on a field trip to Luu Phuong route, passing through Luu Phuong commune and Phat Diem town with a length of more than 1.2 km, Mr. Tran Thai, Deputy Director of Kim Phat Construction Investment Company Limited, representative of the construction contractor, shared: This route used to be narrow in the middle, with the exposed Luu Phuong River often polluted, affecting people's lives. Thanks to the investment capital of the project, the route has now been widened and hardened, the river section has been dredged, embanked and poured with concrete. Realizing the immediate benefits that the project brings, when implementing the construction, the people of both routes are very supportive, coordinating with the locality, the investor and the contractor in the work of clearing and handing over the site quickly, ensuring progress for the contractor to carry out the construction.
For the contractor, after the site was handed over, the unit focused a large number of human resources and machinery to simultaneously construct all items on the route. Up to now, the roadbed has been cleared along the entire route; the entire dredging section has been completed and the reinforced concrete culvert of the Luu Phuong River is being constructed; the wastewater drainage system is being constructed: manholes, HDPE pipes on the Luu Phuong route, the northern section of National Highway 21B... The construction progress of the entire route has reached over 30%.
Because these are projects located in residential areas, affecting the lives of many households, the unit always calculates construction plans, not only ensuring progress, quality, and aesthetics according to the project requirements, but also ensuring safety during implementation, including traffic safety and environmental sanitation for people on both sides of the route.
Mr. Vu Quang Trung, Deputy Director of the Project Management Board of Civil and Industrial Construction Works, said: Immediately after selecting the construction contractor, Ninh Binh was the first province to organize the groundbreaking ceremony of the project on October 7, 2022 on the cleared land area and with the consent of the French Development Agency (AFD). Since the beginning of the year, the construction unit has focused on human resources and machinery to carry out construction according to the progress of handing over the land on the Phat Diem and Luu Phuong routes, the collection and production routes of concrete components. To date, the total implementation value is estimated at over 60 billion VND.
Need to have clean land soon
Comrade Tong Khanh Hai, Deputy Head of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Kim Son district, said: The sub-project to improve urban infrastructure in Phat Diem, Kim Son district, Ninh Binh province affects the areas of Luu Phuong and Tan Thanh communes and Phat Diem town. The total area serving the project is 36.4 hectares, of which 9 hectares of rice fields have been recovered and compensated for 1,017 households, individuals and organizations affected by the project. Of which, 469 households and 12 organizations have recovered land; 6 households are subject to resettlement; 530 households, organizations and individuals are affected in terms of assets, structures, crops, etc.
Realizing that this is an important project with great impact on the local economic and social development, immediately after implementing the project, the District Compensation and Support Council carried out the site clearance process to ensure publicity, transparency and compliance with current laws.
Kim Son district has made efforts to hand over the land of main routes for construction and installation such as Tan Thanh, Luu Phuong, Phat Diem; for other locations, the compensation and site clearance support plan has been approved and is conducting a public inventory of assets, structures, and legal review of land areas after land consolidation...
However, the progress of handing over the clean site to the construction contractor has not yet reached the set schedule. The reasons identified by the District People's Committee are: some construction items in the project have not yet had adjusted designs, so there are no specific statistics to carry out land clearance; the left side of Tan Thanh River needs to adjust the records after land consolidation; the cost of moving and installing new electricity and water lines has changed compared to the original estimate...
It can be said that the Phat Diem Urban Infrastructure Improvement Sub-project plays an important role in mitigating the impact of climate change. The scale of the project allows the construction of necessary urban infrastructure to drain water and protect the city from flooding, improve environmental sanitation and clean water supply services and solid waste treatment.
These are very important conditions that not only contribute to improving people's lives but also complete the infrastructure for the new rural district and advanced new rural areas in the following years in the coastal area of Kim Son.
In addition, the Project will also support increased understanding of the potential impacts of climate change in urban areas and will provide training, tool development and recommendations on urban investment and management planning for local government agencies.
Therefore, local authorities need to further strengthen propaganda and mobilization work so that people can better understand the significance of the project for coastal cities like Kim Son, thereby agreeing and supporting the State to carry out site clearance work to create conditions for contractors to construct according to the set schedule.
The sub-project to improve urban infrastructure in Phat Diem, Kim Son district, Ninh Binh province has a total investment of VND 881.8 billion. Including AFD loan capital: VND 717.6 billion, non-refundable aid capital from the European Union: VND 26.3 billion, provincial budget capital: VND 137.9 billion. The project scale includes 2 components: Urban Infrastructure Improvement and Technical Support. In which, the investment items of the Urban Infrastructure Improvement component include: road improvement, dredging and embankment of Phat Diem, Luu Phuong, Tan Thanh rivers; Construction of Phat Diem, Luu Phuong, Tan Thanh service roads; Construction of 2 bridges, restoration of works affected by the project; Construction of wastewater collection system and treatment plant; Construction of 03 waste transfer stations of Phat Diem urban area. |
Song Nguyen - Anh Tuan
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