Emotionally reading the eulogy for General Nguyen Quyet, Standing member of the Secretariat, Chairman of the Central Inspection Commission Tran Cam Tu, Head of the Funeral Committee, said that General Nguyen Quyet - a prestigious military and political leader of the Party, State, and Army; a "talented, virtuous, loyal, and complete" general.

Memorial service for General Nguyen Quyet.

General Nguyen Quyet was also a staunch communist party member, a veteran revolutionary cadre, who devoted his whole life to the ideals of national independence and socialism, and for the happiness of the people.

Standing member of the Secretariat Tran Cam Tu reviewed the revolutionary activities, fighting and contributions of General Nguyen Quyet to the country, the Army and the people.

With 102 years of age and 85 years of Party membership, regardless of his position, General Nguyen Quyet has always been absolutely loyal to the Fatherland, the Party, the State and the people. The General's entire life has been associated with the cause of fighting for national independence, unifying the country and firmly following the path to socialism that the Party, Uncle Ho and our people have chosen.

Standing member of the Secretariat, Chairman of the Central Inspection Commission Tran Cam Tu read the eulogy.

General Nguyen Quyet always maintained the integrity and qualities of a communist soldier, devoted, devoted, and wholeheartedly devoted to the country, the people, and the revolutionary cause of the Party, the State, and the Army. His life of revolutionary activities is a shining example for compatriots, comrades, cadres, and soldiers nationwide to respect, learn from, and follow.

The Standing Secretariat affirmed that General Nguyen Quyet is a leader and commander with strategic thinking, courage, creativity, and rich practical experience; he speaks and acts; dares to think, dares to do, dares to take responsibility; lives closely, attached, and affectionately with the army and the people. The General is trusted, admired, and respected by his comrades and teammates.

In the family, the General was a father, grandfather, and great-grandfather who lived simply, exemplary, full of sacrifice and compassion.

The Standing Member of the Secretariat said that in recent years, despite his advanced age, General Nguyen Quyet has still actively researched and summarized experiences in revolutionary activities, built the people's armed forces, and contributed many dedicated ideas to the Party, State and Army.


The Standing Member of the Secretariat expressed that the passing of General Nguyen Quyet is an extremely great loss to the Party, State, Army, people and family, leaving behind infinite sorrow for compatriots, comrades, family and international friends.

The family lost a father, grandfather, and great-grandfather who they loved and respected dearly; the Party, State, and Army lost a devoted and loyal party member; "we lost a beloved, straightforward, and sincere comrade."

"General Nguyen Quyet is no longer here, but his memories will live forever in the hearts of his family, comrades and friends," Mr. Tran Cam Tu read the eulogy.

Leaders and former leaders at the funeral.

At the memorial service, the family representative - the grandson of General Nguyen Quyet shared that the General's passing is an irreparable loss for the family.

The family representative expressed the family's sincere gratitude that since General Nguyen Quyet fell ill until today, the family has received a lot of attention, sharing, and wholehearted help from leaders of the Party, State, Army, agencies, and organizations...

General Nguyen Quyet is a shining example for all his descendants in the family to follow. His whole life was spent striving and fighting for the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation.

Although he had retired for a long time, until his last days, the General still maintained the spirit of self-study and self-training of a revolutionary soldier; actively researching and contributing valuable ideas to the Party and the State. The General's descendants expressed pride and vowed to inherit his spirit and teachings.

At the end of the memorial service, leaders and former leaders of the Party and State and relatives walked around the coffin of General Nguyen Quyet to bid him farewell and send him to his final resting place.

Officers in the honor guard carried the portrait and coffin to the hearse.
The coffin was placed on the hearse.
The motorcade carried the coffin of General Nguyen Quyet to his resting place. The funeral was held at Mai Dich Cemetery, Hanoi city.
General Secretary To Lam and Party and State leaders visit General Nguyen Quyet

General Secretary To Lam and Party and State leaders visit General Nguyen Quyet

General Secretary To Lam, leaders and former leaders of the Party and State, and representatives of central ministries and branches came to pay their respects and bid farewell to General Nguyen Quyet.