- How is the printing of textbooks for grades 4, 8, and 11 of the Vietnam Education Publishing House being carried out, sir?
Mr. Nguyen Van Tung : To implement the printing of textbooks, including books for grades 4, 8, and 11, ensuring publicity, transparency, and economic efficiency, the Vietnam Education Publishing House has selected printing houses by widely purchasing printing services (wide bidding) combined with other printing methods to maximize the capacity of printing houses nationwide in order to have enough books to serve students before the new school year begins.
Mr. Nguyen Van Tung - Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Vietnam Education Publishing House
The correct and complete implementation of the steps according to the widespread printing service procurement process resulted in the time for selecting a printing house being longer than planned. After completing the selection process, NXBGDVN urgently coordinated closely with the printing houses to speed up the progress, organize extra shifts, and overtime... to achieve the planned goals.
- Could you please tell us the specific progress of printing textbooks for grades 4, 8, and 11 of the Vietnam Education Publishing House up to now?
Mr. Nguyen Van Tung : Currently, the Vietnam Education Publishing House has completed printing and warehousing 96% of the plan for textbooks for grades 5, 9, 12 (according to the 2000 Program); 87% for textbooks for grades 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 (according to the 2018 Program). Textbooks for the above grades are being transported and supplied to localities.
Textbooks for grades 4, 8, and 11 (according to the 2018 Program) are being urgently printed and stocked and are now being sold at retail stores of member units of the Vietnam Education Publishing House. In July, textbooks for these grades will be delivered to localities to ensure adequate supply before the new school year begins.
Ensure adequate supply of textbooks for grades 4, 8, and 11 before the new school year starts.
- There are opinions that in the current method of calculating textbook prices, publishers include a very high discount rate in the price of books, leading to high book prices compared to the income of many people. Do you have any explanation for this discount rate?
Mr. Nguyen Van Tung: Many people misunderstand that the discount rate is the amount that the book publisher receives. In fact, this is the distribution cost, paid to the distribution units in the entire distribution channel to carry out the circulation and supply of books from the warehouse to the hands of students in all regions of the country. Distribution costs include: Warehouse rental costs, transportation and loading and unloading costs; General costs for sales and business management such as labor, fixed asset depreciation, retail store costs, etc.
- How has NXBGDVN cut costs to reduce textbook prices, sir?
Mr. Nguyen Van Tung : In 2023, the Vietnam Education Publishing House continued to reduce the distribution fee to 21% of the cover price so that the price of textbooks for grades 4, 8, and 11 is lower than the previous year (4% - 6% lower than textbooks for grades 3, 7, and 10) based on comparing the average unit price of a book page (total cover price over the total number of pages of the book set).
Along with reducing profits and other costs, the textbooks for grades 4, 8, and 11 of the Vietnam Education Publishing House currently have the lowest prices. For example, the book series Connecting knowledge with life has a price 22% - 26% lower than the price of other publishers' book series (excluding English books; subjects and selected topics for grade 11).
Thank you sir!
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