DNVN - With the ambition to bring export products around the world to the domestic market, thereby contributing to the rapid growth of Vietnam's potential F&B industry, VASEP chose the theme of the 2024 International Seafood Exhibition (Vietfish) as "Seafood export for Vietnamese people".
From August 21-23, the International Seafood Exhibition (Vietfish) will take place in Ho Chi Minh City, organized by the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP).
Following the success of previous exhibitions, this year VASEP invested carefully to attract more than 280 exhibitors and 496 booths from Vietnam and 15 other countries.
"Vietfish 2024 continues to be an ideal business destination for seafood businesses, creating sustainable value connections while affirming the quality and position of Vietnamese seafood in the international arena. Hundreds of key export products such as frozen seafood, fresh seafood, canned goods, dried goods, fish sauce, etc., along with supporting industries such as technology, equipment, clean energy, etc., create a vivid picture of the Vietnamese seafood industry," said a representative of VASEP.
12,000 visitors to Vietfish 2023. (Photo: TNO)
Vietfish 2024 is expected to have many trading activities, signing contracts for purchasing and supplying aquatic products and strategic cooperation in the field of aquaculture and seafood processing. Outstanding product displays, demonstrations and specialized seminars will also take place throughout the exhibition.
In particular, this year Vietfish will have innovations to help customers experience more fully, such as expanded display areas, a culinary area introducing diverse flavors and quality products of Vietnam famous in the world market, and at the same time, a place where consumers can experience beautiful and attractive culinary performances by professional chefs.
In particular, with this year's exhibition, the Organizing Committee aims to promote the marketing of export-standard seafood for domestic consumption.
"Vietnam has exported to more than 170 countries and territories; Vietnamese seafood products are present on supermarket shelves around the world, including the most modern and prestigious supermarket systems in the world in the US, UK, Europe, Canada, Japan, China... Therefore, the Organizing Committee decided to choose the theme "Seafood export for Vietnamese people" for Vietfish 2024", shared a representative of VASEP.
VASEP has the ambition to bring export products from around the world to the domestic market, thereby contributing to the rapid growth of Vietnam's potential F&B industry. Vietfish hopes that the exhibition will be an effective promotional channel, contributing more nutritious and convenient food options to Vietnamese family meals, meeting the diverse culinary needs of the young generation of Vietnam who are increasingly approaching the changes in consumption in the world.
The exhibition will welcome visitors from 9am to 5pm every day from August 21 to August 23, and is expected to attract 17,000 visitors.
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/kinh-te/thuy-san-xuat-khau-cho-nguoi-viet/20240820093240287
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