On the morning of August 6, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) issued a telegram requesting Hoa Binh Hydropower Company to open the fourth bottom spillway gate.

The telegram stated: At 7:00 a.m. the same day, the upstream water level of Hoa Binh Lake was at 107.82m, the inflow to the lake was 9,241m3/s, and the discharge was 7,144m3/s.

Implementing the Prime Minister's inter-reservoir operation process on the Red River basin, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development ordered the Director of Hoa Binh Hydropower Company to open the fourth bottom spillway gate of Hoa Binh Hydropower Reservoir at 11:00 a.m. today.

From 11am on August 6, Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant opened the 4th bottom spillway gate. Photo: Phong Son

The purpose of opening the bottom spillway is to gradually bring the upstream water level of Hoa Binh Lake back to the highest water level during the main flood season (not exceeding 101m).

To proactively take preventive measures to ensure the safety of people and property, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development recommends that provinces downstream of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant immediately notify authorities at all levels, people, organizations operating on rivers, along rivers, aquaculture facilities, water transport vehicles and ferry terminals; review and ensure the safety of works under construction, sand and gravel exploitation and transfer activities.

At the same time, provinces need to direct relevant agencies and units to coordinate with lake owners to find solutions to ensure safety for curious people approaching the flood discharge area.

Previously, Son La, Hoa Binh, Tuyen Quang and Thac Ba hydroelectric reservoirs opened 9 spillway gates.