Attending the meeting were comrades: Le Hong Vinh - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Nhu Khoi - Member of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; leaders of the Provincial People's Council Committees, Office of the National Assembly Delegation and Provincial People's Council, Office of the Provincial People's Committee, representatives of the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Nghe An province.
The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council listened to and gave opinions on the preparation of the 20th Session (Special Session), scheduled to take place in June, and the regular mid-year session of 2024, scheduled to take place in July 2024 of the Provincial People's Council.
At the meeting, the Office of the National Assembly Delegation and the Provincial People's Council presented to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council the list and progress of the examination by the Provincial People's Council Committees of the draft resolutions submitted to the 20th Session of the Provincial People's Council.
At the same time, implementing the request of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council, to prepare for the questioning content at the mid-year session of the Provincial People's Council in 2024, the Office of the National Assembly Delegation and the Provincial People's Council has compiled the content proposed by the Provincial People's Council Committees, the Provincial People's Council Delegation Groups, and Provincial People's Council delegates; consulted on the selection and asked for opinions from Provincial People's Council delegates on key areas expected to be questioned at the 2024 Mid-year Regular Session of the Provincial People's Council.
At the meeting, the opinions of the comrades in the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council and the leaders of the Provincial People's Committee exchanged and discussed related contents, thereby "finalizing" the number of draft resolutions to be submitted to the 20th Session of the Provincial People's Council; reaching a consensus on the selection of content and form of organizing the question and answer session at the regular mid-year meeting.
Representing the provincial People's Committee, comrade Le Hong Vinh - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said: Accepting the opinions of the Provincial People's Council Committees during the verification process, the Provincial People's Committee will continue to supplement and complete the draft resolution dossier to submit to the Provincial People's Council at the 20th Session.
Concluding this content, regarding the draft resolutions submitted to the 20th session of the Provincial People's Council scheduled to be held on the morning of June 7, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Nghe An Provincial People's Council Thai Thanh Quy agreed with the opinion of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council to submit 18 draft resolutions, reducing 1 draft resolution compared to the original plan because the draft Resolution on supplementing the public investment plan from the local budget in 2024 was not completed, so it was not included in this session.
Regarding the organization of regular meetings, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Thai Thanh Quy continued to emphasize the spirit of innovation in organizing meetings that was agreed upon by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council at the regular meeting in April 2024.
On that basis, the head of the Provincial People's Council requested to continue reviewing and well implementing preparations for facilities, meeting rooms, scripts, content;... The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council will organize to listen to reports on preparations for the upcoming session.
Regarding the content of questions and answers at the regular mid-year meeting of 2024, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council discussed and agreed to select 2 core contents as the majority of opinions of the Provincial People's Council delegates selected through consultation.
The first content belongs to the field of Internal Affairs related to the issue of merging districts and communes and resolving redundant civil servants after merging administrative boundaries.
The second content belongs to the field of Industry and Trade related to the State management of food safety; prevention, control and handling of violations in the transportation and trading of smuggled goods and goods of unknown origin; planning, model conversion, investment in construction, business, exploitation and management of markets in Nghe An province.
However, with the view of innovating the method and content of organizing regular meetings of the Provincial People's Council, the Provincial Party Secretary and Chairman of the Provincial People's Council emphasized that the thinking of organizing question and answer sessions is not to limit the field of questioning.
The contents in the fields of Home Affairs and Industry and Trade mentioned above are only two core contents, focusing on questioning at the meeting; in addition, the delegates of the Provincial People's Council can still question other fields and the leaders of the departments, branches, and the Provincial People's Committee attending the meeting will answer the contents questioned by the delegates.
The meeting chair will conduct the session flexibly and harmoniously according to the innovative perspective, without framing the questioning content as mentioned above.
Also at the working session, the Chairman of the People's Council of Nghe An province noted that the Provincial People's Committee and the Provincial People's Council committees should pay attention and proactively review when there are new documents from the Central level so that if the spirit of the new document is adjusted or revised, the provincial level should immediately advise the competent authority to promptly amend and adjust.
The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council also evaluated the performance results of May; discussed and agreed on tasks for June 2024...
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