(To Quoc) - National Assembly delegate Au Thi Mai hopes that the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025-2035 period will truly create a shift in cultural development, building Vietnamese people in the new period, creating momentum for sustainable development.
On the morning of November 27, the National Assembly officially passed the Resolution on investment policy for the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025-2035 period with a high approval rate (89.77%). This is a very large-scale Program that is expected to remove resource bottlenecks for cultural development in the coming period.
A truly necessary and comprehensive solution to overcome resource bottlenecks
According to delegate Au Thi Mai - National Assembly Delegation of Tuyen Quang province, in recent years, investment in cultural development has been limited, not commensurate, not really synchronous and effective.
In 2019, reporting to the National Assembly, the Prime Minister also admitted that the spending on culture only stopped at 1.71% of regular spending, lower than the requirement of 1.8% set forth in Resolution of the 5th Conference (Central Executive Committee, Term VIII) since 1998.
"Obviously, with the proportion of the budget for culture in the total state budget expenditure always at such a low level, we cannot have systematic and synchronous investment in facilities, maximize the preservation of cultural heritages or support creative arts activities, and attract good staff for this field," said the delegate.
The National Assembly voted to pass the Resolution of the National Assembly on investment policy for the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025 - 2035 period.
According to delegate Au Thi Mai, in many localities, culture is still the last sector on the investment list and the first on the budget reduction list. This shows that awareness at all levels towards this important sector is still not complete and profound. The arrangement of staff in the cultural sector is also not appropriate. There is still a situation where cultural staff have to take on many tasks or the arrangement of cultural staff is not properly trained, lacks experience in cultural management... The bottleneck in human resources is also a problem that we have to deal with.
"Although culture is a particularly important field, an endogenous driving force, and the spiritual foundation of society, in recent years, resources for the cultural field, both human, financial, and physical, have not been guaranteed according to regulations and expectations. Through local practice, I clearly see the need to increase investment resources for cultural and human development in the current period," the delegate affirmed.
Delegate Au Thi Mai said that the National Assembly's approval of a comprehensive National Target Program on Cultural Development at this Session is a truly necessary and comprehensive solution to overcome resource bottlenecks that the cultural sector is currently facing.
With a huge total budget for the Program for the 2025-2030 period, including central budget capital (63%), local budget (24.6%) and other legal socialized capital sources (12.4%), delegates said that resources for culture and the implementation of the set goals will be guaranteed to be stable. During the operation process, the Government is also assigned to balance the central budget to prioritize additional support for the Program in accordance with actual conditions and have solutions to mobilize and coordinate all legal capital sources for implementation.
The investment policy of the Program has also been carefully considered and evaluated by the National Assembly to clearly define the goals, targets and contents of the Program through two sessions (first comments at the 7th Session and consideration and approval at the 8th Session, 15th National Assembly).
"I believe that the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025-2035 period approved by the National Assembly at this session will be very good news, meeting the expectations of the majority of voters and people, especially those working in cultural work," the delegate expressed.
Really create changes in cultural development, building Vietnamese people
Regarding the management and operation mechanism, delegate Au Thi Mai said that the management mechanism of the National Target Program on Cultural Development has been designed in accordance with the management mechanism of the 3 National Target Programs currently being implemented and learned from practical lessons that the National Assembly's Supervisory Delegation has pointed out; ensuring the principle of narrowing down the management, guidance and implementation focal points of the Program; clear tasks, no duplication or overlap.
According to the Resolution, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will preside over and coordinate with relevant agencies to advise the Government (or the Prime Minister) to issue appropriate legal documents providing general guidance on the implementation of the Program (not assigning each ministry or sector to issue separate documents). The issuance of such general guidance documents is necessary and reasonable, and will create more favorable conditions for localities in the implementation process.
The general viewpoint of the Party and State is to decentralize to the maximum extent possible and thoroughly to local authorities for implementation. Therefore, in the process of implementation, the Government should direct the correct implementation of this principle.
Delegate Au Thi Mai - National Assembly Delegation of Tuyen Quang province
To successfully implement the Program, the delegate also said that the Government needs to pay attention to maximizing the lessons learned through the practice of building, operating and monitoring the National Target Programs in the recent past to implement the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the period 2025 - 2035 in a truly practical and effective manner.
In particular, it is necessary to ensure that financial resources are used effectively and with priority, focus and key points. Along with that, create mechanisms and policies that are attractive enough to encourage socialized capital to invest in implementing the Program. The cultural sector is in great need of private resources, so it is necessary to focus on a number of solutions to call for effective joint ventures and associations through preferential policies on taxes, fees, investment procedures, etc.
Delegate Au Thi Mai hopes that when we have sufficient resources from the Program, with investments that are central, key, and oriented, and that stimulate social investments in culture, we will achieve results commensurate with the level of investment, and soon complete one of the six key tasks set forth in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress: "Closely and harmoniously linking economic development with cultural development and implementing social progress and equity, improving people's living standards. Building and promoting cultural factors to truly be a breakthrough in socio-economic development and international integration".
"I also expect that the Program must truly create a shift in cultural development, building Vietnamese people in the new period, overcoming existing limitations and weaknesses. Areas that need support such as cultural industry; preserving and promoting the value of cultural heritage; improving the quality of human resources in the cultural sector; developing literature and arts; promoting innovation in culture and arts... will be resolved and create momentum for truly sustainable development," the delegate expressed./.
Source: https://toquoc.vn/thuc-su-tao-buoc-chuyen-trong-phat-trien-van-hoa-xay-dung-con-nguoi-viet-nam-20241127223351727.htm
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