Wood ear is highly valued in preventing stroke.
Wood ear mushroom is also known as black fungus, black mushroom, wood ear mushroom, and agaric ear mushroom, with the scientific name Auricularia auricula-judae. This is a popular and familiar dish of Vietnamese people.
Medical experts also highly praise wood ear, which is considered a "panacea", "plant-based bird's nest", "black treasure in cuisine". Wood ear helps supplement calcium, supplement iron, prevent high cholesterol and arteriosclerosis, is rich in fiber, and anticoagulants, low in calories, only 24 calories per 100 grams but the fiber is up to 7.4 grams, 6 times more than cabbage.
In Oriental medicine, wood ear is used as a nutritious food and medicine for people with poor blood circulation, and supports the treatment of some cardiovascular diseases. Eating wood ear will help prevent the risk of blood vessel rupture in people with high blood pressure, limiting the risk of myocardial infarction.
Research on the use of wood ear in the treatment of cardiovascular disease and stroke
According to a laboratory study published in Mycobiology, administering wood ear mushroom extract to mice significantly reduced levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and bad LDL cholesterol.
Wood ear also contains many antioxidants and polyphenols. This compound helps fight free radical formation and protects cells against oxidative damage, preventing cardiovascular diseases and rheumatoid arthritis.
In addition to providing excellent antioxidants and micronutrients, wood ear mushrooms also have strong antibacterial properties, which can help prevent the growth of certain strains of bacteria: Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
5 health benefits of wood ear
Good for the intestines
Wood ear mushrooms are rich in fiber, which helps improve constipation. In particular, prebiotics are a type of fiber found in wood ear mushrooms that help nourish good bacteria in the intestines. Therefore, eating a lot of wood ear mushrooms will help intestinal bacteria produce nutrients to improve digestive health.
The mucus in wood ear can bind impurities in the digestive system and push them out of the body, cleaning the intestines and stomach.
Good for the heart
Eating wood ear mushrooms has the ability to reduce bad cholesterol thanks to the large amount of powerful antioxidants. Reducing bad cholesterol is very good in reducing the risk of heart disease.
Wood ear is also rich in vitamin K and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. These substances are very effective in reducing blood clots and preventing arterial blockage.
Liver protection
Wood ear also has the ability to protect the liver from certain toxic substances. Mixing wood ear powder with water helps reverse and protect the liver from damage caused by an overdose of acetaminophen (a chemical used to treat fever).
Prevent chronic disease
Wood ear mushrooms contain many antioxidant compounds that help fight free radicals and protect cells against oxidative damage. Thereby helping to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and heart disease.
Help beautify
Protein and vitamin E in wood ear help brighten and smooth the skin. Therefore, adding wood ear to your daily meals will help improve premature skin aging.
Besides, wood ear is also very good for weight loss thanks to its high fiber content and effect of reducing blood cholesterol.
6 medicinal dishes from wood ear
Treatment of dysentery: 20g wood ear, roasted and ground into fine powder, divided into 2 doses/day, drink for 3-5 days.
Cure hemorrhoids: Use wood ear mushrooms to cook 1-2 times a day, eat regularly for many days and the disease will be cured.
Toothache treatment: 3-5 pieces of wood ear, a handful of perilla, boil to get concentrated water to soak and gargle daily.
Treat physical weakness: 30g wood ear, 30g red dates, boil and drink 2-3 times a day, 40-50ml each time, drink for many days.
Cure constipation: 6g wood ear, 30g dried rose, cook into sweet soup, eat daily.
Cure high blood pressure, retinal bleeding : 30g wood ear, soak in water overnight, wash clean, put in a rice bowl, add a teaspoon of sugar, steam until cooked (steam for 1-2 hours) and eat before going to bed. Steam and eat for 3-5 days.
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