Specifically, the Institute has developed and issued documents, policies, directed and implemented the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms through the establishment of the Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms; completed the Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms; and issued the Plan for Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms until 2020, 2021 - 2022.
The establishment of the Steering Committee for Tobacco Harm Prevention and Control (PCTHTL) is the focal point for coordination with relevant agencies and organizations in the Institute to implement tobacco harm prevention and control in accordance with its functions and tasks.
At the same time, periodically summarize the situation and report the results of implementing PCTHTL according to regulations through the installation of signs with the content "No smoking in the working area"; regularly urge, inspect and supervise the implementation of tobacco harm prevention work of units under the Institute.
Accordingly, the results of information, education and communication activities to raise public awareness of tobacco use at the Institute have recorded 100% of all cadres, civil servants and employees complying with regulations on measures to reduce tobacco use, especially implementing measures to educate about the harmful effects of tobacco and strictly complying with regulations on places where smoking is prohibited.
Regarding the implementation of activities to raise awareness and capacity on tobacco harm prevention, up to now, the Institute has integrated tobacco harm prevention propaganda into propaganda plans; organized responses and promoted tobacco harm prevention propaganda activities on World No Tobacco Day (May 31) and National No Tobacco Week (May 25 - May 31); hung banners and posters in response to the theme of tobacco harm prevention in units.
In which, each unit, based on the Tobacco Control Plan and the provisions of the Tobacco Control Law, selects and builds models of smoke-free environments to ensure strict implementation of the Tobacco Control Law.
In addition, the Institute practices, learns from experience and replicates new models and good practices, as well as organizes talks and seminars to share experiences in building smoke-free workplaces; monitors the implementation of regulations on smoke-free environments; and the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on the environment and human health.
Thereby, the Institute uses criteria to evaluate and compete annually and commend collectives and individuals with initiatives and good and effective models in tobacco control work; coordinates with units under the Institute including the Tobacco Control Steering Committee, the Institute's Trade Union, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Institute's People's Inspectorate, etc. to proactively inspect, monitor, and handle violations of the law in the implementation of tobacco control activities of units.
In order to widely disseminate and strictly implement the provisions of the Law on Tobacco Control in the coming time, the Institute of Hydrometeorology and Climate Change continues to propagate the regulations prohibiting smoking in the workplace; and to promote the responsibility of heads of agencies, organizations, and managers in prohibiting smoking.
Include the content of tobacco harm prevention in the annual work plan; include the regulation prohibiting smoking in the workplace in the internal regulations of the agency or unit.
In addition, the Institute aims to implement solutions to improve efficiency such as: Organizing talks, seminars, conferences, and forums to share experiences in building smoke-free workplaces; monitoring the implementation of regulations on smoke-free environments and the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on the environment and human health.
Continue to strengthen propaganda work to raise awareness of tobacco harm prevention and control to help raise awareness of cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers as well as continue to strengthen inspection and supervision of compliance with the law on tobacco harm prevention and control and strictly handle violations, if any.
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