On the morning of November 19, at the Party Central Committee Headquarters, the Central Steering Committee reviewed the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2017 of the 12th Central Executive Committee.
General Secretary To Lam, Head of the Steering Committee chaired the Conference.
Attending the meeting were Politburo members: President Luong Cuong, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee; National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee; Standing member of the Secretariat, Head of the Central Inspection Committee Tran Cam Tu, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee; Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Organization Committee Le Minh Hung, Permanent Deputy Head of the Steering Committee. Also attending the meeting were Politburo members, Secretariat members, Party Central Committee members, and members of the Steering Committee.
The issue of streamlining the apparatus of the political system has been mentioned in many Party Congresses. The 6th Conference of the 12th Party Central Committee issued Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2017, "Some issues on continuing to innovate and reorganize the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently". Up to now, the implementation has achieved initial results, creating positive changes in innovation and reorganization of the apparatus, improving the operational efficiency of agencies, units and organizations in the political system. However, the innovation and reorganization of the apparatus are not yet synchronous and comprehensive; the apparatus of the political system is still cumbersome, multi-layered, and multi-connected; Functions, tasks, powers, organization, and working relationships between many agencies and departments are still overlapping, unclear, decentralization and delegation of power are not synchronous, and effectiveness and efficiency of operations are not high.
The innovation and reorganization of the political system to be streamlined, strong, efficient, effective and efficient is an urgent requirement of the current practical situation; it is expected and welcomed by cadres, party members and people with strong support throughout society.
Concluding the meeting, General Secretary To Lam emphasized that the summary of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW is an especially important task, a revolution in streamlining the organization of the political system, which must be carried out with the highest determination and drastic actions of the entire political system. The Steering Committee unanimously determined the highest political determination in implementing the Politburo's policy on summarizing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW and arranging and perfecting the organization of the political system to be streamlined, effective and efficient.
Party committees, party organizations, agencies, units, all levels, all sectors, first of all, leaders and heads need to be exemplary and proactive in performing assigned tasks; identify priority work contents and coordinate smoothly in implementation. Must urgently deploy tasks in the spirit of "running and lining up at the same time", the Central does not wait for the provincial level; the provincial level does not wait for the district level; the district level does not wait for the grassroots. The Steering Committee, the Editorial Team, the Standing Body of the Steering Committee must be proactive and not wait for Party committees, party organizations, agencies and units.
The review process must be conducted objectively, democratically, scientifically, specifically, deeply, receptively, and closely following the practical situation; clearly identify weaknesses, shortcomings, and causes; propose and arrange a streamlined organizational structure, ensuring comprehensiveness, synchronization, and connectivity; one agency must perform many tasks, and one task must be assigned to only one agency to preside over and take primary responsibility. During the implementation process, it is necessary to adhere to the Party's principles, Political Platform, Party Statutes, Constitution, laws, and practical situations.
The General Secretary pointed out that because the work of streamlining the organizational apparatus is very difficult, sensitive, and complicated, directly affecting each person in each organization, especially in the proposal to dissolve and merge a number of agencies and organizations, it is necessary to have solidarity, high determination, courage, and even sacrifice of personal interests for the common interests of each party member, cadre, civil servant, and public employee. To do so, it is necessary to do well in political and ideological work, strengthen propaganda work throughout the political and social system about the policies, requirements, and tasks of streamlining the apparatus in the new situation.
General Secretary To Lam requested that it is necessary to synchronously streamline the organizational apparatus in conjunction with restructuring the staff with sufficient qualities and abilities to match the tasks, with reasonable staffing. Strongly innovate the work of recruitment, training, promotion, appointment, rotation, transfer, and evaluation of staff in a practical direction, because finding people, on the basis of specific measurable products, has no forbidden areas, no exceptions in evaluating staff. There must be an effective mechanism to screen and remove from work those who do not have enough qualities, abilities, and prestige and to use those with outstanding abilities.
Agencies, units and localities must closely follow the contents of the Steering Committee's plan to implement assigned tasks, ensuring progress and quality. In particular, the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee needs to focus on researching and clarifying the consistent principles and specific criteria in each content (associated with the major policies of the Politburo that are directing) to guide agencies, units and localities to consistently summarize and advise, and propose new models. Continue to clarify solutions, steps and roadmaps to ensure the apparatus operates continuously and smoothly, without leaving any time, location or field vacant; the new apparatus will immediately come into operation effectively and efficiently; Urgently issue policies to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees, and workers affected by organizational reform... Based on the established principles, continue to study and absorb the opinions of comrades in the Steering Committee, opinions of agencies and units through the summary; opinions of experts, scientists, practical cadres, refer to foreign experiences... to specifically propose the streamlining of Party committees, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the National Assembly, and organizations. At the same time, proactively study the internal model of each agency after merger and consolidation.
General Secretary To Lam noted that the implementation process needs to be closely monitored to detect and replicate good and effective practices; promptly correct and prevent deviations, ensuring implementation in accordance with the set goals, requirements and roadmap. General Secretary To Lam believes that with new thinking and awareness, high spirit, determination, unity of thought and action, we will focus on successfully implementing the revolution in the organization of the political system, creating a foundation for our country to enter a new era, an era of national development and prosperity.
Source: https://kinhtedothi.vn/tong-bi-thu-to-lam-thuc-hien-thang-loi-cach-mang-ve-to-chuc-bo-may-cua-he-thong-chinh-tri.html
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