Recognizing the importance of science and technology and innovation in the process of industrialization, modernization and socio-economic development, in recent times, the Department of Science and Technology of Tien Giang province has actively implemented activities to promote the application of science and technology and innovation in Tien Giang province.
After nearly 40 years of innovation, our Party has consistently identified science and technology (S&T) as the top national policy and an important driving force for the country's rapid and sustainable development. The 13th National Party Congress continued to emphasize the need to develop science, technology and innovation (S&T), considering it one of the country's strategic breakthroughs in the context of digital transformation today.
Thanks to the consistent implementation of the innovation policy, promoting industrialization and modernization on the basis of science and technology, in recent years, our country has achieved great achievements. The country's science and technology potential has been enhanced. The efficiency of science and technology activities has been improved, creating positive changes for innovation and creative startups. The level of science and technology in production has been improved, participating more effectively in the global value chain.
Recognizing the importance of science and technology and innovation in the process of industrialization, modernization and socio-economic development in Tien Giang province, in recent times, the Department of Science and Technology of Tien Giang province has advised the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council and Provincial People's Committee to effectively deploy and implement the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's policies to promote the application of science and technology and innovation, achieving many achievements contributing to the socio-economic development of Tien Giang and the Mekong Delta region.
Some results of promoting the application of science and technology and innovation in Tien Giang province in recent times
The Department of Science and Technology has advised the Provincial People's Committee and competent authorities to issue programs and action plans to concretize the implementation of Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW dated November 1, 2012 of the 6th Central Conference (11th tenure) on developing science and technology to serve the cause of industrialization and modernization in the context of a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration, programs and plans in areas such as: plan to support the innovation startup ecosystem in Tien Giang province for the period 2018 - 2020, with a vision to 2025; Plan on implementing the Intellectual Property Strategy and Intellectual Property Development Program of Tien Giang province for the period 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030, ... A relatively complete and timely institutional system is an important legal basis for promoting research, application of science and technology and innovation in socio-economic activities.
Research and application of science and technology in the province have been going deeper and more practically into production and life, contributing to improving quality and competitiveness. Most of the science and technology tasks that have been accepted and put into application have been effective, contributing to helping the province achieve the goals and tasks of planning and socio-economic development plans.
In the period of 2013 - 2024, the province has implemented 155 provincial and grassroots science and technology tasks (Agriculture accounts for 56.1%; Technology - Engineering accounts for 18.1%; Culture - Society accounts for 20.6%; Health accounts for 5.2%). The science and technology tasks are focused on groups of fields: technology - engineering, agriculture, culture - society, education - health. Each group of fields forms large, key programs, solving key issues in each stage of socio-economic development of the province.
Activities to improve productivity and product quality of enterprises in the province have also been vibrant and effective. The Department of Science and Technology has organized 63 awareness classes on TCVN ISO 9001 standards, internal assessments, and conversion of the application of the quality management system from TCVN ISO 9001:2008 to TCVN ISO 9001:2015 with 2,559 participants. The application of the quality management system has been implemented in 214 agencies (including 19 provincial-level specialized agencies; 12 units under departments and branches; 11 district-level administrative units; 172 commune-level administrative units), reaching a rate of 100%.
Coordinate with the Provincial People's Committee to issue local technical regulations such as: Local technical regulations for Go Cong shrimp paste products (QCĐP 01:2019/TG); Local technical regulations on the quality of clean water used for domestic purposes in Tien Giang province (QCĐP 02:2024/TG). Guide 158 enterprises producing and trading gold jewelry and fine arts in the province to develop basic standards and announce applicable standards; 55 establishments and enterprises self-declare product quality for 05 products: Coffee beans, Pork sausage, Fermented bean curd, Pork spring rolls, Chinese sausage.
Supported 31 enterprises to build and apply management systems, quality productivity improvement tools (ISO 9001; ISO 22000; HACCP...); applied NSCL improvement tools: 5S; 7 tools; Kaizen improvement; Lean management; total equipment performance maintenance (TPM); material flow cost accounting (MFCA); balanced scorecard; supported 19 enterprises to participate and win the National Quality Award,... Through these activities, it has contributed to increasing labor productivity, reducing waste, saving raw materials, energy, improving product quality, enhancing competitiveness, developing product brands, protecting the environment, and product safety.
Activities to support the development of science and technology enterprises are proactively implemented, from the stage of connecting enterprises, supporting the development of orientations, plans and implementing consulting plans, supporting the development of science and technology enterprises. Up to now, 10 enterprises have been supported to carry out the certification of science and technology enterprises, including: TIPHARCO Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, Duhal Industrial and Medical Equipment Joint Stock Company. KIMMY Socolate LLC - One Member Company, Tu Sang 2 Private Enterprise, Long Thuan Private Enterprise, Travipha LLC, Thien An Cordyceps LLC, SD LLC, Capiworld LLC, Quoc Thai Trading and Service Agricultural Equipment Manufacturing LLC - One Member Company.
The field of brand protection and promotion support in Tien Giang province has also achieved many results in recent times: The Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2722/QD-UBND dated September 13, 2017 on promulgating the Science and Technology Program to support enterprises in improving their competitiveness in the period 2017-2020. In 2024, the Department of Science and Technology supported the development of 20 collective trademarks, 07 certification trademarks, 02 geographical indications for specialty agricultural products of Tien Giang province; guided organizations/individuals to prepare registration dossiers for 331 trademarks, 01 industrial design, 09 inventions/utility solutions; extended 43 Trademark Certificates; amended the diplomas of 02 Trademark Certificates; transferred industrial property rights of 01 Trademark Certificate.
Regarding the development of the science and technology market: The province has implemented many solutions to promote the development of the science and technology market; support enterprises to improve productivity, quality and integration; support the establishment, exploitation and development of intellectual property, brand building, and participation in national technology fairs (Techmart Vietnam). In the period of 2013 - 2024, the province has supported 20 units, enterprises and production facilities to participate in the Mekong Delta Technology and Equipment Market and other localities in the country.
Regarding support for the development of the science and technology innovation system: In the period of 2013-2024, activities to support the development of the science and technology innovation system have been focused on investment and have achieved many positive results. Scientific seminars (on Startups and Innovation in Tien Giang province; Innovation in the ICT sector; solutions to connect young entrepreneurs with investors and state management agencies) have been organized more and more systematically, the quality has been improved, the participants have been expanded and diversified, creating a community with high consensus in awareness and action, contributing to perfecting the province's policy on the development of the science and technology innovation system.
Successfully organized the Contest "Innovative startup ideas and projects in Tien Giang province" in 2023 and 2024. In the 2024 contest, 76 ideas and projects were attracted in many fields. After 3 rounds, the Jury selected 20 winning ideas and projects to award prizes (held on December 13, 2024). In the final round, 5 outstanding ideas and projects from each category were selected for awards. Accordingly, in the Student Category, the Idea Category, the Project "Artificial Wood from Straw" won the Special Prize; the Project "Fiber Production from Pineapple Leaves" won the Special Prize in the Organization, Individual, and Enterprise Category. Some products have the potential to be commercialized and applied to life.
The contest has encouraged the spirit, attracted many ideas and projects to participate with the quantity and quality constantly improving. The Organizing Committee of the Contest hopes that the winning ideas and projects this time will continue to be supported by investors and the Innovation and Startup Fund so that they can become production, business and service projects to create new products and models. Thereby, promoting the movement, contributing to the process of forming a startup and innovation ecosystem in Tien Giang province.
Organized the “Student Creative Startup” Contest with the theme “Starting a business to build a career”. The contest attracted more than 80 startup ideas to register for the contest. As a result, the Jury selected 20 ideas with feasibility, novelty, and creativity to award special prizes, first, second, and third.
Organize skill training courses for startups. Through training courses, business planning and financial planning skills for startups and those who want to start a business have been improved; and policies and mechanisms related to support activities for innovative startups in the province have been disseminated.
Solutions to promote the application of science and technology and innovation to promote socio-economic development in Tien Giang province
Firstly, continue to innovate thinking, improve policies and laws, and enhance the role of state management in science and technology and innovation.
Continue to implement Conclusion 69-KL/TW dated January 11, 2024 of the Politburo, Action Program No. 59-CTr/TU dated April 16, 2024 of the Provincial Party Committee to implement Conclusion 69-KL/TW dated January 11, 2024 on continuing to implement Resolution 20-NQ/TW dated November 1, 2012 of the 11th Central Committee on developing science and technology to serve the cause of industrialization and modernization in the context of a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration.
Well implemented: Strategy for science, technology and innovation development to 2030 in conjunction with Program No. 38-CTr/TU dated March 31, 2023 of the Provincial Party Committee implementing Resolution 29-NQ/TW of the Party Central Committee (term XIII) on continuing to promote industrialization and modernization of the country to 2030, with a vision to 2045, Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW of the 8th Central Conference, term XIII on continuing to build and promote the role of the intellectual team to meet the requirements of rapid and sustainable national development in the new period.
Continue to improve policies and laws on science, technology and innovation in a direction consistent with market mechanisms and international practices and standards, creating synchronization, unity and efficiency in implementation.
Focus on financial policies, investment, bidding, management and use of public assets, transfer, application of science and technology, development of digital technology, high technology, intellectual property protection; socialization policies.
Propose solutions to manage, prevent and limit negative aspects arising during the implementation process, creating all conditions for the development of science and technology.
Second, improve research capacity, application and transfer of science and technology into life.
Continue to arrange and promote the autonomy mechanism for public science and technology organizations to attract and improve the efficiency of using the province's resources.
Create conditions for higher education institutions to enhance teaching activities associated with research, scientific and technological development and innovation, and promote applied research in areas of the province's strengths.
Have mechanisms and policies to create a favorable environment to attract a team of scientific and technological staff, good scientists and talents. Encourage the attraction and creation of a source of scientific staff from excellent students and young scientists.
Strongly develop high-tech zones, high-tech agriculture, key laboratory systems, strong research groups, information infrastructure and statistics on science, technology and innovation in a modern direction.
Third, continue to promote the development of the science and technology market and the creative startup ecosystem.
Strengthening propaganda and dissemination of information about science and technology enterprises; promoting communication activities about science and technology products and science and technology enterprises to enhance brand value, create prestige with consumers, help the brand "science and technology enterprise" become a strong brand, enhance competitive advantage for science and technology enterprises.
Communication activities on science and technology products and science and technology enterprises are promoted in terms of frequency of implementation, diverse forms, and selection of typical and representative enterprises with quality products.
Encourage the development of science and technology service organizations, technology transfer promotion and support centers, technology trading centers and floors, technology markets; networks of intermediary organizations providing services for searching, evaluating, pricing, brokerage, testing, transferring results and products of science, technology and innovation, and creating conditions for organizations and individuals to use these results and products as special valuable goods, ownership rights and circulation on the market.
Strengthening the connection of technology exchanges with application centers, transferring scientific and technological advances and innovation.
Convert and restructure programs that support the development of science and technology enterprises in the direction of promoting commercialization support activities and developing markets for quality science and technology products to capture domestic and export markets.
Fourth, strengthen cooperation activities within and outside the province on science and technology.
Promote coordination with science and technology organizations (colleges, universities, research institutes...) inside and outside the province to attract scientists and experts in scientific research, consulting, scientific basis appraisal of science and technology tasks, and technology appraisal of investment projects.
Encourage joint ventures, associations, and technology transfers between domestic organizations and enterprises with foreign enterprises investing in Tien Giang, and foreign enterprises on the basis of compliance with international law and Vietnamese law.
According to Intellectual Property
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