On the morning of March 21, 2025, Bac Giang Provincial Library organized a talk on “Nurturing a reading culture in families and schools” delivered by Dr. Giap Van Duong. This is one of the activities in response to the Launching Ceremony of the Reading Culture Ambassador Contest 2025 and to celebrate Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day on April 21.
Attending the event were representatives of leaders of several departments and branches; teachers and students of the Provincial Boarding School for Ethnic Minorities, Bac Giang Green Maple Primary - Secondary - High School...
Dr. Giap Van Duong at the exchange and talk session
At the talk, the speaker mentioned the following contents: The importance and meaning of reading; effective reading methods; solutions to foster a reading culture in families and schools. With his experience and success in approaching books and reading, he shared his own experiences that are very close, easy to implement, with evidence and specific results so that others can learn and follow. Especially with the analysis of the causes and current status of reading among young people today, he said that they are not really interested in reading culture, it can be said that they are still "lazy" to read.
Currently, the situation of young people using and depending too much on technological devices: computers, smartphones... to surf Facebook, watch short clips on TikTok is quite common. Dr. Giap Van Duong believes that books are the leading tools and means to help people develop. Reading helps people expand their knowledge, understanding, rich language, intelligent and coherent thinking. He also said that to develop a reading culture, first of all, there must be books, then build a habit, share reading with many people, choose good and meaningful books to read. In each school, families should carry out related activities such as keeping a reading diary, telling book stories, presenting the content of the book, reading to each other... to spread the reading culture.
Dr. Giap Van Duong interacts and shares with students
At the talk, with the promptness, creating a friendly and open space, students interacted and shared to express their views and thoughts. The talk helped them realize the role and great effect of reading, the negative effects of uncontrolled abuse of social networks.
Vu Tri Tinh
Source: https://svhttdl.bacgiang.gov.vn/chi-tiet-tin-tuc/-/asset_publisher/xqtf4Gcdcef5/content/thu-vien-tinh-bac-giang-to-chuc-noi-chuyen-chuyen-e-nuoi-duong-van-hoa-oc-trong-gia-inh-va-nha-truong-
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