Telegrams sent to Secretaries of Provincial and Municipal Party Committees of provinces and centrally run cities; Chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities; Ministers of the following Ministries: Education and Training, Public Security, National Defense, Health, Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, Information and Communications.
Over the years, the Party, the State and all levels of government have always paid special attention to the organization of the High School Graduation Exam and the management of children and students during the summer vacation. All levels and sectors from the central to local levels and the entire political system have participated and coordinated with the education sector to implement these tasks.
In order to organize the 2024 High School Graduation Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Exam) safely, seriously, and thoughtfully; to ensure that recreational activities for children and students during the summer vacation are truly safe and useful, the Prime Minister requests:
1. Comrades Secretaries of Provincial and Municipal Party Committees, Chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities:
a) Focus on directing and thoroughly grasping the Party committees, authorities and relevant organizations to participate and coordinate effectively with the Education sector to prepare the best conditions for the Exam, strictly implementing Directive No. 15/CT-TTg dated May 16, 2024 of the Prime Minister on strengthening direction and coordination in organizing the High School Graduation Exam and university and vocational education admissions in 2024.
b) Direct relevant levels, sectors and organizations to closely coordinate with the Education sector:
- Implement measures to ensure absolute security and safety for the Exam, proactively prevent, detect and handle acts of using high-tech devices to cheat during the Exam;
- Create favorable conditions for accommodation and travel for students, especially children of ethnic minorities, families with meritorious services, remote areas, students with disabilities and students in areas affected by natural disasters to participate in the Exam with the motto of not letting any student miss the exam due to economic or travel difficulties;
- Proactively develop plans to prevent and combat natural disasters and epidemics, ensure food safety, environmental sanitation, and provide adequate electricity and water during the organization of the exam;
- Carry out well the inspection, examination and supervision of the Exam, strictly handle cases of violation of exam regulations and providing incorrect information about the Exam.
c) Direct all levels, sectors, and organizations, especially the Youth Union, Women's Union, and Child Protection Committees at all levels, to create conditions for children and students to have safe, healthy, and useful entertainment during the summer vacation, coordinate with families to manage and supervise children and students during the time they are not in school, ensuring safety, especially preventing accidents, injuries, drowning, and child abuse in the online environment.
2. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Government agencies shall coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training to seriously implement Directive No. 15/CT-TTg dated May 16, 2024 of the Prime Minister and take measures to ensure the safety, seriousness and effectiveness of the Exam, including:
a) The Ministry of Education and Training ensures the quality, accuracy, and absolute safety of the exam, focuses on directing and strengthening the inspection, examination, and comprehensive supervision of the exam.
b) The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense direct the Public Security of units and localities to closely coordinate with the Education sector to deploy measures to ensure absolute security and safety for the Exam, prevent, detect and promptly handle acts of using high-tech devices to cheat during the Exam.
c) The Ministry of Health directs localities to implement disease prevention and control work, ensure food safety, environmental sanitation, prepare human resources, materials, and medical equipment to carry out medical examination and treatment for candidates and those participating in the organization of the exam with health problems.
d) The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs urges and guides localities to carry out child care and protection, especially injury prevention and child drowning prevention, and strengthen inspection and examination of the implementation of this work.
d) The Ministry of Information and Communications directs localities to implement measures to prevent and combat child abuse in cyberspace.
3. Assign Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long to direct ministries, branches and localities to direct the implementation of the Exam and the management of children and students during the summer vacation according to this Official Dispatch and the instructions of the Government and the Prime Minister.
4. The Government Office, according to its assigned functions and tasks, shall monitor and urge the implementation of this Official Dispatch and promptly report to the Prime Minister on arising issues.
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