Vu Dinh Thai is a student of class 12A1, Tay Thuy Anh High School (Thai Binh). After all 6 rounds of thinking assessment exams of Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2024, Thai became the valedictorian with a near-perfect score.

“When I found out I was the valedictorian of this exam, I was very happy and surprised. Before that, I had no intention of taking the exam so I didn’t have much time to get used to the format of the questions,” Thai said.

Invited by his friends to “take the exam for fun”, Thai registered for the third round, about 2 weeks before the exam date. At that time, the male student just started looking for test questions. “I was surprised when the way the school gave the questions was quite new, completely different from the high school graduation exam questions,” Thai recalled.

It took Thai 1-2 days to get used to the format of the test, so he started searching for more materials online to develop his thinking. According to Thai, when doing the test, he always tried to do each question firmly and did it one by one until he finished all the questions. When he encountered a difficult question that he could not solve right away, he would immediately move on to the next question.

“After doing a round of tests, going back to the tricky questions, I will prioritize filling in the answers first to maximize my score because with questions where I can choose the answer, if I run out of time, I can still guess.”

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Vu Dinh Thai is a student in class 12A1, Tay Thuy Anh High School. ( Photo: NVCC)

Regarding each specific test section, Thai assessed the 30-minute Reading Comprehension section as the most novel. “I don’t have any way to review for this section. I usually try to read the entire passage, find key words, then read the questions to determine which part to focus on, and from there I can choose the answer.”

After completing all the questions, Thai did not submit his test immediately but often reviewed the reading comprehension to make sure his choices were correct.

With the 60-minute Scientific Thinking section, Thai realized that Physics would be more computational than Chemistry and Biology – mainly asking about theory. Many questions that appeared in the exam were not in the program, but the male student believed that if candidates had a solid knowledge foundation, they could still reason.

Thai, who is strong in Math, is most interested in the Mathematical Thinking assessment. When reviewing, the male student often focuses on developing new ways of thinking, not trying to review math problems because the exam often presents new ways of asking questions.

“The math knowledge in the exam assesses difficult thinking. Many questions, although the content is familiar, can be difficult for candidates due to the strange way of asking. Therefore, when doing the test, candidates need to be alert to analyze,” Thai said.

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Thai with teacher and friends. (Photo: NVCC)

Before achieving the highest score in the Hanoi University of Science and Technology's thinking assessment exam, Vu Dinh Thai was also an outstanding student at Tay Thuy Anh High School. The male student had achieved the highest score in the school in the 10th grade entrance exam with a score of 10 in Math. He also regularly topped the exams organized by the school, winning first prize in the provincial excellent student exam in Math and second prize in the provincial excellent student exam in Chemistry.

Talking about Thai's achievements, Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhan, homeroom teacher of class 12A1, proudly said that this was the first time she was the homeroom teacher of a class with such a rare outstanding student.

“Thai is intelligent, calm, has the ability to self-study, and has outstanding thinking. He mainly studies at school, does not take extra classes anywhere, but achieves good results in all exams. In the surveys, he also often achieves maximum scores in Math, Physics, and Chemistry.”

What Ms. Nhan admires about Thai is his will to succeed in life. His mother passed away when Thai was in 7th grade, but he did not give up. Seeing his father work hard to take care of the family, with his inherent mindset and perseverance, Thai constantly strives to succeed.

“When he first entered the class, Thai was very quiet. I suggested that Thai become the class secretary with the hope that participating in group activities would help him become bolder, more confident, and break out of his introversion. However, when he took on the responsibility, I was surprised to see him enthusiastically organizing and initiating class movements.

Although he was a somewhat dry student in Block A, Thai was the main performer in the singing and dancing performance to celebrate the opening day. He has changed and matured a lot,” Ms. Nhan recalled.

Having scored the highest in the thinking assessment exam of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Dinh Thai plans to pursue Information Technology in the future.

Hanoi University of Science and Technology's thinking test score distribution: Only 20 papers scored above 90 points . Out of more than 20,000 candidates taking the thinking test with more than 40,000 tests, there were 20 papers scoring above 90/100 points, the highest of which was 96.43.