Dinh Thi Bich Ngoc, one of the two valedictorians of the 2024 high school graduation exam, hopes to become a foreign language teacher for students who do not have a good learning environment.
Dinh Thi Bich Ngoc, a 12th grade English 1 student at Luong Van Tuy High School for the Gifted (Ninh Binh City, Ninh Binh) at the graduation ceremony - Photo: BN
Bich Ngoc is the candidate with registration number 27004000, scored 8.8 in math, 9.75 in literature, 10 in history, 10 in geography, 9.5 in civics and 9.8 in foreign language, total 57.85 points.
The female student of grade 12 English 1, Luong Van Tuy High School for the Gifted (Ninh Binh City, Ninh Binh) had a quick chat with Tuoi Tre Online at noon on July 17.
* Hello, how do you feel after knowing that you are one of two valedictorians with the same score of 57.85?
- I found out my exam results at 8:30 this morning. I was very happy and surprised to know that I was one of two candidates who got 57.85 points, including 2 perfect scores (10 in history and 10 in geography). When the Ministry of Education and Training announced the answers, I also graded my test so I knew I would get a high score, but I didn't think I would be the valedictorian.
My classmate sent me the results and said I was the valedictorian. I thought it was a joke. Only when my homeroom teacher sent it did I believe it was true (laughs) . I shared the good news with my parents, brother, and many relatives.
* In this exam you got 2 perfect scores, can you share your experience in studying these subjects?
- I don't have any special experience. I study all subjects equally and often make a schedule for each subject, specifically for each day, dividing the knowledge to cover it for review and not to memorize.
Not only foreign languages, to get high scores in literature, history, and geography, besides knowledge from books, I also study more to understand society, thereby helping to cover knowledge and remember better. In addition, I also practice a lot of questions so that when entering the exam, I am not surprised.
When I took the test, I was also worried, not because I didn't study all the lessons but because how would my ability be demonstrated?
In this exam, I like foreign languages the most. After each class, I also spend time cleaning the house and washing the dishes.
* What are your future plans?
- I have passed the early entrance exams to many universities. I plan to study English Pedagogy at the University of Foreign Languages, Vietnam National University, Hanoi to become a foreign language teacher in the future.
* Why do you like being a foreign language teacher?
- In grades 10 and 11, I was still vague and had no clear dreams. Everything only started when in the summer of grade 11, I was able to participate in a project to teach English to children at the Ninh Binh Social Protection Center.
After teaching vocabulary to students here, I realized that I can learn English easily, but it is different for many students. They do not have a suitable environment like me to develop. From then on, I wanted to become a foreign language teacher.
Through this, I would also like to thank my classmates, homeroom teacher, school board... who have always helped me during my studies.
Two valedictorians with 57.85 points
The valedictorians of the 2024 high school graduation exam are two candidates from Hanoi and Ninh Binh, both scoring 57.85 points. Among them, candidate Dinh Thi Bich Ngoc (in Ninh Binh) with registration number 27004000 scored 8.8 points in math, 9.75 in literature, 10 in history, 10 in geography, 9.5 in civics and 9.8 in foreign languages. The candidate from Hanoi with registration number 01034208 scored 8.8 points in math, 9.25 in literature, 10 in history, 10 in geography, 10 in civics and 9.8 in foreign languages.Tuoitre.vn
Source: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-khoa-57-85-diem-dinh-thi-bich-ngoc-mo-lam-co-giao-day-ngoai-ngu-20240717123128354.htm
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