When asked about getting good students into the public sector, one student immediately asked how much the salary was. A monthly salary of over 5 million VND cannot buy a pair of tickets to a concert. According to the National Assembly representative, that salary does not attract high-quality human resources.
On October 26, the National Assembly discussed the socio-economic situation. Delegate Hoang Minh Hieu (Nghe An) reflected on the situation of "loss of human resources" in the public sector, with nearly 40,000 officials, civil servants, and public employees at one point transferring from the public sector. In 2023, this number has decreased but is still around 11,000, including many highly qualified civil servants and public employees.
The delegate emphasized that there is a loss of capacity from the public sector to the outside, while attracting talent to the public sector has certain difficulties.
According to reports from some provinces and cities, despite having policies to attract talent, they have not attracted any talent in 5 years.
Mr. Hieu said that when asking high-quality students, "they immediately asked 'how much is the salary?'. As it is now, the starting salary is clearly not enough to rent a house in big cities. Some students even said that a monthly salary of more than 5 million cannot buy a pair of tickets to a concert, let alone enjoy cultural and artistic activities...".
Delegates raised the issue that such a salary level cannot attract high-quality human resources to the state sector. Even public service units have great difficulty in attracting good civil servants, this is an issue that needs to be considered.
Mr. Hieu analyzed two trends of new graduates: They prefer to stay in big cities - where there are better job opportunities; They also prefer to work in the private sector rather than the public sector.
"A good person working in the public or private sector contributes to society", delegate Hoang Minh Hieu said that this point of view is correct, but if the public sector is not respected and cared for, it will greatly affect the socio-economy.
"We identify that institutions are still a bottleneck. If there are no people with the capacity to plan policies or if the planning is not appropriate, it will affect the entire society," said Mr. Hoang Minh Hieu.
Regarding salary policy, delegate Tran Hoang Ngan (HCMC) said that the Government proposed not to increase public sector salaries and pensions, and preferential allowances for meritorious people in 2025, "only partially supporting".
“This year, I have adjusted the salary, it is better, it is good, but we need to pay attention to the salary in the education sector, especially in remote areas, and the salary and allowances of medical staff. But more importantly, the pension is very low,” said Mr. Ngan.
He suggested that the Government consider not increasing public sector salaries but increasing pensions, social security assistance, and preferential allowances for meritorious people.
“If we don’t increase this in 2025, it will be a bit embarrassing, because 2025 is a year of events and major national holidays. Therefore, if we don’t increase preferential allowances for meritorious people and pensions, the joy will decrease,” said delegate Tran Hoang Ngan.
Mr. Ngan also said that it is necessary to continue reducing personal income tax. According to him, the taxpayer's deduction is 11 million, the deduction for dependents is 4.4 million, these two levels are not guaranteed for large cities.
"We must increase the deduction level, improve this, then the remaining income can increase consumption, then it will support growth," he proposed.
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Source: https://vietnamnet.vn/thu-hut-sinh-vien-gioi-nhung-luong-khoi-diem-khong-du-mua-cap-ve-xem-ca-nhac-2335830.html
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