At 9:35 a.m. on November 2, at Group 4, Song Bang Ward, Cao Bang City, Cao Bang Province, Market Management Team No. 1, while conducting field surveys, discovered a 4-seat car with license plate 11A-03X.XX parked to deliver goods.
The working group of Market Management Team No. 1 requested the driver to bring the vehicle and goods to the Team headquarters to conduct an administrative inspection of the vehicle.
Officers of Market Management Team No. 1 inspect the evidence of violations.
At the time of vehicle inspection, vehicle 11A-03X.XX was transporting 03 sacks of dried earthworm pineapple with a total weight of 115kg that were moldy and smelled bad. The packaging had no information showing the origin of the goods, no accompanying documents or any other information shown on the packaging.
Market Management Team No. 1 temporarily detained the vehicle and goods to verify and clarify the owner for handling according to the provisions of law.
Violating evidence is dried earthworms of unknown origin and source, seized by Market Management Team No. 1.
During the verification process, Market Management Team No. 1 determined that Mr. N.D.D., permanent resident of Lap Thach district, Vinh Phuc province, the driver and owner of the above goods, could not present any invoices, documents or papers related to all of the above goods.
Market Management Team No. 1 proceeded to draw up a record against Mr. N.D.D., permanent residence in Lap Thach district, Vinh Phuc province, for the administrative violation: Trading in goods of unknown origin, submitting the case to competent authorities for handling according to the provisions of law and coordinating with competent authorities to destroy all goods that do not meet the conditions for circulation according to the provisions of law.
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