On the morning of May 2, the Standing Committee of Nghe An Provincial Party Committee held a regular meeting for April 2024. Comrade Thai Thanh Quy - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation chaired the meeting.
Attending the meeting were comrades: Nguyen Van Thong - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Nguyen Duc Trung - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Hoang Nghia Hieu - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; representatives of the Central Party Office, comrades in the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and a number of departments and branches.
The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee has agreed to issue a Resolution of the Provincial People's Council on "Amending and supplementing a number of articles of Resolution No. 11/2021/NQ-HDND dated August 13, 2021 of the Nghe An Provincial People's Council regulating the nutritional regime and a number of support policies for coaches and high-performance athletes of Nghe An".
Accordingly, the Provincial Party Standing Committee agreed to issue a policy to support coaches in training young football athletes in Nghe An province with 10 head coaches and 20 assistant coaches.
Specifically, in addition to the benefits that coaches enjoy in Decree No. 152/2018/ND-CP dated November 7, 2018 of the Government stipulating a number of benefits for coaches and athletes during training and competition, head coaches will be supported with an additional VND 10 million/person/month, and assistant coaches will be supported with an additional VND 8 million/person/month.
"Nghe An is considered a large and quality youth football training center in the country and a key sport. However, according to Decree No. 152/2018/ND-CP, the spending level for head coaches and assistant coaches is very low," Director of Nghe An Department of Culture and Sports Tran Thi My Hanh stated the reason for proposing the above policy to the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and added that with the current regime, the Song Lam Nghe An Youth Football Training Center cannot retain coaches when recently 2 coaches left the center to join other units.
It is known that the current salary of coaches is still low, only about 4.68 million/month, the company supports an additional 4.5 million/month. Meanwhile, some other localities have very high payment policies for coaches, leading to the fact that they cannot retain some coaches.
Therefore, if the new policy is issued, it will contribute to motivating, encouraging, and retaining capable and qualified coaches, helping them feel secure in their work and devote themselves to training young athletes.
Song Lam Nghe An is one of the clubs with a long tradition in youth training. Up to now, the U11, U13, U17 Song Lam Nghe An teams hold the record for the number of championships in the National U11, U13, U17 football tournaments.
In addition, U15, U19 and U21 Song Lam Nghe An have also left strong impressions in the domestic tournament. To achieve the above achievements, we cannot fail to mention the tireless dedication of generations of coaches at the Nghe An youth football training center.
Song Lam Nghe An Youth Football Training Center currently has 25 coaches training more than 200 athletes in 9 classes according to age.
The Provincial Party Standing Committee also agreed to issue a policy to supplement the nutritional regime for coaches and athletes of commune-level teams during training and coaching sessions at 130,000 VND/person/day, and during competition sessions at 200,000 VND/person/day.
The reason is that at the time the Provincial People's Council passed Resolution No. 11/2021/NQ-HDND, the commune-level budget did not yet have enough funds to spend on cultural and sports activities.
On December 9, 2021, the Provincial People's Council issued Resolution No. 21/2021/NQ-HDND stipulating the principles, criteria and norms for allocating the local budget for regular expenditures in 2022, stable until 2025; including the content stipulating "support for communes in spending on cultural, information, sports, radio and broadcasting activities at a minimum level of VND 100 million/commune/year".
Thus, from January 1, 2022, the commune level has received state budget support for activities, including sports, of 100 million VND.
Resolution No. 11/2021/NQ-HDND regulates the nutritional regime for coaches and athletes, but only stops at the provincial gifted team and district-level team, and does not yet have a commune-level team.
On the other hand, there is no document from the province regulating the level of nutrition allowance for coaches and athletes of commune-level teams participating in competitions organized by the district, so the commune-level budget has no basis for spending on this content.
Therefore, it is necessary to add a policy on nutrition for coaches and athletes of commune-level teams to Resolution No. 11/2021/NQ-HDND.
After the Provincial Party Standing Committee approves the policy, the Provincial People's Committee will complete the dossier and submit it to the Provincial People's Council for consideration and approval, and issue a Resolution as a basis for implementation.
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