Try this math puzzle, only people with high IQ can solve it.
This riddle is as follows: You want to buy a dress for 97,000 VND but you have no money. You borrow 50,000 VND from your father and 50,000 VND from your mother, for a total of 100,000 VND.
You buy a dress and get 3,000 dong in change. You give 1,000 dong to your dad, 1,000 dong to your mom, and keep 1,000 dong. Now you owe 49,000 dong to your mom and 49,000 dong to your dad. Total: 49,000 + 49,000 = 98,000 + 1,000 = 99,000 dong.
Question: Where did the remaining 1,000 dong go?
Even the smartest person will lose this puzzle.
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