The railway line through Hai Van Pass (Da Nang City) has been cleared 15 hours after the freight train derailment.
On the afternoon of November 2, rescue forces at the scene of the ASY2 freight train derailment in the Hai Van Pass area confirmed that the railway line through the pass was clear.
Accordingly, the rescue team has cleared 3 cargo containers that fell and tilted out of the area of influence of track 1, ensuring that the train can move slowly through the accident site.
The railway through Hai Van tunnel has been reopened 15 hours after the train derailment incident.
Authorities said the railway route through Hai Van Pass opened to traffic at around 12 noon the same day.
Trains arriving at Lang Co (Phu Loc district, Thua Thien Hue province) from around 10am on November 2 do not need to transfer passengers but wait for the route to be cleared to continue.
As reported by Giao thong newspaper, at 9:10 p.m. on November 1, train ASY2, engine 602 pulling, engine 659 pushing, pulling 20 carriages (load capacity 840.7 tons) entered track 1 of Hai Van Nam station and derailed, causing 2 containers to fall onto track 2 and 1 container to tilt 45 degrees.
After the traffic accident occurred, the train dispatch unit blocked the section at 9:21 p.m.
Afterwards, the railway management unit, railway traffic police force, and railway safety management mobilized vehicles and human resources to the scene to organize rescue.
The cause of the incident is being investigated by the authorities.
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