Admission score
Duy Tan University announces the admission scores of the 2024 high school graduation exam results as follows:
Admission score = Total score of 3 subjects + Priority points
- Medicine/Dentistry: Admission score >= 22.5 points
- Pharmacy: Admission score >= 21 points
- Nursing: Admission score >= 19 points
- Architecture: Admission score >= 20 points (Drawing score multiplied by coefficient 2)
- Other majors: Admission score >= 16 points
- Drawing subject score multiplied by coefficient 2: Candidates use drawing subject exam results at universities that organize exams nationwide or use exam results at Duy Tan University.
- Candidates are allowed to change their Major when completing admission procedures at the School.
Many candidates register for admission and study at Duy Tan University
Admission requirements to the school
1. Candidates must register for the conditionally admitted major in the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) Admission System to be considered for official admission. The registration period is from July 18 to July 30, 2024 and the registration fee must be paid from July 31 to 5:00 p.m. on August 6.
2. Candidates are only officially admitted when they simultaneously meet the following two conditions:
- High school graduate;
- Register for conditionally admitted majors and complete all admission steps on the Ministry of Education and Training's admission system.
Admission time
Candidates confirm their admission online via the Ministry of Education and Training's information portal from August 20 to 5:00 p.m. on August 27, 2024 and come to enroll directly at Duy Tan University, 254 Nguyen Van Linh, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang City from August 20 to August 28, 2024.
Duy Tan University's modern library at campus number 3 Quang Trung
Admission profile
- Original Admission Notice (issued by the School);
- 1 notarized copy of High School Transcript;
- 1 original copy of High School Graduation Exam Results 2024
- 1 original copy of Temporary High School Graduation Certificate or 1 notarized copy of High School Graduation Diploma (if graduated before 2024);
- Copies of documents confirming priority subjects and areas (if any) such as certificates of children of martyrs, war invalid cards or policies enjoyed by war invalids of oneself or parents, certificates of other priority subjects...
Admission method
In order to best support candidates when completing admission procedures, Duy Tan University guides the admission process as follows:
Direct Admission Guide
- Candidates confirm their admission online via the Ministry of Education and Training's information portal from August 20 to 5:00 p.m. on August 27, 2024 and come to enroll directly at Duy Tan University, 254 Nguyen Van Linh, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang City from August 20 to August 28, 2024.
- Working time:
- Morning: 7am - 11am (Monday to Sunday)
- Afternoon: 13:00 - 17:00 (from Monday to Sunday)
- When coming to complete admission procedures, parents and new students prepare admission documents, tuition and fees as stated in the admission notice.
- Parents/students can pay tuition fees in one of the following two ways:
a. Method 1: Close via Bank Account
- Account number 1: 118 000 181 119
- At: Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade - Da Nang Branch (VIETINBANK).
- Account number 2: 68 11 11 1994
- At: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - Da Nang Branch (Vietcombank).
- Content: "Pay first semester tuition fee to [Student's full name], Application code: [Code written on admission notice including 6 digits]"
Example: Pay semester 1 tuition fee to Nguyen Van A, File code 999999
Note: When coming to the School to complete the admission procedures, Parents/Students need to bring the Bank Deposit Document and receive the Tuition Receipt at the Financial Planning Department of Duy Tan University, address 137 Nguyen Van Linh, Da Nang City.
b. Method 2: Pay in cash at the School when coming to complete admission procedures.
Online admission instructions
Candidates must confirm their admission online via the Ministry of Education and Training's portal from August 20 to 5:00 p.m. on August 27, 2024 and complete online admission according to the following steps:
Step 1: Candidates log in to the ONLINE ADMISSION address:
Step 2: Candidates enter the required information.
Step 3: Pay tuition and other fees by bank transfer (see instructions above).
Step 4: The school will notify the schedule via email or the candidate will be contacted, guided, and provided with the schedule by the host Faculty.
1) If paying tuition fees by bank transfer (Internet Banking), parents/students should take a screenshot of the money transfer transaction to attach when completing admission procedures.
2) If paying tuition at the bank counter, parents/students must take a photo of the payment receipt to attach when completing the admission procedures.
3) Candidates must submit their admission application to the school after the online admission period.
For any questions, Candidates and Parents please contact:
1900.2252 - 0905.294. 390 - 0905.294.391 - (0236) 3650403 - 3653561 for instructions.
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