It is expected that after the reorganization and streamlining, Phu Yen Provincial Party Committee will have 14 Party Committees; reduce 1 advisory agency to assist the Provincial Party Committee, reduce 8 Party delegations and 3 Party Executive Committees.
On December 9, the Steering Committee of Phu Yen province on summarizing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2017, the 6th Conference of the 12th Party Central Committee "Some issues on continuing to innovate and reorganize the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined, effective and efficient" met and gave opinions on the plan to reorganize the apparatus of the provincial political system.
At the meeting, Deputy Head of the Organizing Committee of Phu Yen Provincial Party Committee Luu Vinh Hung reported on the plan to arrange and organize the provincial and district-level apparatus in the Party, mass organizations and government blocs.
The work of streamlining the apparatus is oriented towards streamlining the payroll and restructuring the staff, civil servants and public employees to meet the requirements of new tasks. The time to complete the work in the province and report to the Central Steering Committee is before December 31, 2024.
It is expected that after the reorganization and streamlining, Phu Yen Provincial Party Committee will have 14 Party Committees; reduce 1 advisory agency to assist the Provincial Party Committee, reduce 8 Party delegations and 3 Party Executive Committees.
The specialized agencies of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations proposed to maintain the current 6 agencies, review and streamline the internal organizations according to the Central's instructions.
The Provincial People's Council bloc proposed to maintain the current 5 advisory and support agencies. The Provincial People's Committee bloc plans to streamline its apparatus according to the Government's instructions.
The Department of Foreign Affairs alone proposed two options: maintaining or ceasing operations, transferring the State management function to the Provincial People's Committee Office. After the reorganization, the specialized agencies of Phu Yen province will reduce by 5 agencies.
At the People's Council and People's Committee block at the district level, after the arrangement, specialized agencies will have from 9 to 10 units; of which 7 specialized agencies are organized uniformly in all 9 districts, towns, and cities and a number of specialized agencies to suit each administrative unit.
Provincial Party Secretary Pham Dai Duong requested agencies and units, especially leaders, to determine the highest political determination in implementing this policy. The arrangement must be carried out urgently but must be careful, certain, and maintain principles.
Agencies and units must strictly implement the principle that one agency performs many tasks, and only one agency is assigned to preside over and take primary responsibility for one task; thoroughly overcome the overlapping of functions and tasks, and division of areas and fields.
Agencies and organizations that have been initially reorganized must also review and propose internal reorganization; resolutely eliminate intermediary organizations; organizational reform must be associated with thoroughly grasping and effectively implementing the policy of innovating the Party's leadership methods and strongly decentralizing and delegating power to localities.
At the same time, promote administrative reform, fight waste, national digital transformation, socialize public services...
The general requirement is that the new apparatus must be better than the old one and must be put into operation immediately; there must be no interruption in work, no time gaps, no vacant areas or fields; and no impact on the normal activities of society and people.../.
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