Weather forecast for Hanoi in the next 3 days (March 17-19), due to the influence of cold air strengthening, the weather will turn cold, but dry; the last day will be sunny and the temperature will increase to 23 degrees.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting , in the next 3 days (March 17-19), cold air will flow in and make the area cold, but because it is sunny and the daytime temperature is around 20 degrees, most people will only feel slightly cold; at night the temperature will drop below 15 degrees, so the cold feeling is more obvious.
Specifically, from March 17-18, the capital Hanoi area will be cloudy, no rain; March 19, cloudy, sunny during the day, no rain at night.
In the next 3 days, the capital Hanoi will be cold; the highest temperature during the day will range from 19-23 degrees; the lowest temperature at night will be 14-17 degrees.
In addition, the meteorological agency also forecasts other areas of the North. Accordingly, due to the influence of cold air, in the next 3 days, the Northwest will have showers and thunderstorms in some places; it will be cold, with some places experiencing severe cold. The Northeast will also have rain in some places; it will be cold, with high mountainous areas experiencing severe cold, with some places experiencing severe cold.
On March 19th, the entire North will be sunny, no rain at night; cold weather, some mountainous areas will be very cold, from March 20th morning and night it will be cold. The lowest temperature during this cold air mass in the North will generally be from 13-16 degrees, some mountainous areas will be below 10 degrees.
Weather in Hanoi capital in the next 3 days (March 17-19) :
Day | Day (7am-7pm) | Night (7pm-7am) |
17/3 | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold. | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold. |
18/3 | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold. | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold. |
19/3 | Cloudy, sunny. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold. | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold. |
Cold air returns, the North is cold and dry with sunshine, ending the humid weather
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