Weather forecast for Hanoi in the next 3 days (November 14-16): early morning fog, strong sunshine during the day up to 33 degrees, chilly at night and early morning. Around November 17-18, there is a possibility of a cold spell returning.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, Hanoi's weather in the next 3 days (November 14-16) will be stable with clouds, fog and light fog in the early morning, sunny during the day, no rain at night. Cold at night and early morning.
The highest temperature during these 3 days is commonly around 30-33 degrees; the lowest at night fluctuates between 21-23 degrees.
Thus, although winter has been here for a week (this year winter started on November 7), the weather in Hanoi and the northern provinces is still quite hot, with strong sunlight at noon like in summer.
Experts explain that in recent days, the continental cold air mass, which is cold and dry in nature, is in the process of weakening. Above, subtropical high pressure continues to dominate the North. These trends affect the weather at this time.
At the same time, due to the reduced clouds during the day, the heat is quite obvious; at night, the sky is clear, the phenomenon of heat radiation occurs, causing the temperature to decrease. Therefore, the temperature amplitude between day and night is up to 10 degrees, the weather is cold.
In addition, the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting also forecasts other places in the North in the coming days. Accordingly, this area will have no rain at night, scattered fog and light fog in the early morning, sunny during the day; cold at night and early morning. From around November 17-18, a cold air mass is likely to strengthen again, causing rain in some places in the area; cold at night and early morning.
Weather in Hanoi capital in the next 3 days (November 14-16) :
Day | Day (7am-7pm) | Night (7pm-7am) |
11/14 | Cloudy, early morning fog and light mist, sunny day. Light wind. Cold early morning. | Cloudy, no rain. Light wind. Cold. |
11/15 | Cloudy, early morning fog and light mist, sunny day. Light wind. Cold early morning. | Cloudy, no rain. Light wind. Cold. |
11/16 | Cloudy, early morning fog and light mist, sunny day. Light wind. Cold early morning. | Cloudy, no rain. Light wind. Cold. |
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