Weather forecast for Hanoi in the next 3 days (October 24-26), stable cold air will maintain sunny days and cold nights; the temperature difference between day and night will be more than 10 degrees.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, Hanoi's weather in the next 3 days (October 24-26) will not change much because it is located in a strengthening cold air mass. The whole area will maintain a low cloud pattern, no rain at night, sunny during the day, some places will have fog in the early morning; cold at night and early morning.
However, the meteorological agency noted that these days the difference between day and night temperatures in the region is very large, about 10 degrees. The highest temperature in Hanoi in the next 3 days is from 30-32 degrees, and the night temperature is 20-22 degrees.
In addition, the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting forecasts other places in the North in the coming days. Specifically, from the night of October 24 to 26, there will be no rain at night, some places will have fog in the early morning, and sunny days. The night and morning will be cold, some places in the mountains will be cold. Around the night of October 26 to 28, the Northeast will likely have scattered showers and thunderstorms, with some places having moderate to heavy rain.
Weather in Hanoi capital in the next 3 days (October 24-26) :
Day | Day (7am-7pm) | Night (7pm-7am) |
10/24 | Partly cloudy, no rain, sunny afternoon. Light wind. Cold early morning. | Partly cloudy, no rain. Light wind. Cold at night and early morning. |
10/25 | Partly cloudy, no rain, sunny afternoon. Light wind. Cold early morning. | Partly cloudy, no rain. Light wind. Cold at night and early morning. |
10/26 | Partly cloudy, no rain, sunny afternoon. Light wind. Cold early morning. | Partly cloudy, no rain. Light wind. Cold at night and early morning. |
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