Weather forecast for Hanoi in the next 3 days (November 25-27), cold air will increase strongly, from tonight the weather will turn cold with scattered rain; from tomorrow night, the temperature will drop sharply, the weather will be cold.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, Hanoi's weather in the next 3 days (November 25-27) will turn colder due to the influence of strong cold air after many sunny days.
Specifically, today (November 25), the capital Hanoi area still maintains a cloudy appearance, with less clouds and sunshine in the afternoon; the highest temperature is about 26-28 degrees.
From tonight to November 27, cold air will flow in, the area will be cloudy, with scattered rain tonight and tomorrow morning (November 26), then no rain, cold weather; from the night of November 26-27, the weather will turn cold.
Weather forecast for this cold spell, the highest temperature during the day is 21-23 degrees; at night it fluctuates between 18-20 degrees, tonight it will be 21-23 degrees.
In addition, the meteorological agency also forecasts other places in the North in the coming days. Accordingly, this evening and tonight, this cold air will begin to affect the northeastern provinces, then the North Central, Northwest and Central Central regions. The northeast wind inland is strong at level 3-4, coastal areas at level 4-5.
Due to the influence of cold air, from this evening and tonight to tomorrow morning, the Northeast region will have scattered rain, the temperature will gradually decrease. Tomorrow, the North and North Central regions will turn cold with the lowest temperature around 17-20 degrees. The highest temperature around 22-24 degrees.
From tomorrow night, cold air will affect deeply, the North and North Central regions will turn cold with the lowest temperature of 16-18 degrees, mountainous areas 12-14 degrees, high mountainous areas below 10 degrees. The highest temperature is 20-22 degrees, mountainous areas below 20 degrees.
Weather in Hanoi capital in the next 3 days (November 25-27) :
Day | Day (7am-7pm) | Night (7pm-7am) |
11/25 | Cloudy, no rain, sunny in the afternoon. Light wind. Cold in the early morning. | Cloudy, occasional rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold. |
11/26 | Cloudy, with occasional rain in the morning, then no rain. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold. | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 3. Cold. |
11/27 | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 3. Cold. | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold. |
The North is about to welcome strong cold air, with severe cold below 10 degrees
Weather forecast for the next 10 days: Cold air will strengthen at the end of the month
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