Hanoi University of Science and Technology is expected to announce the admission scores on August 17, and National Economics University is expected to announce them on August 19.
Timeline for announcing university admission scores in 2024. (Source: MOET) |
According to the plan of the Ministry of Education and Training, the virtual filtering for university admission will take place from August 13 to 5:00 p.m. on August 17 and will be carried out 6 times. Each day, participating schools will follow the correct process of receiving data, organizing admission and sending admission results to the system. All admission methods (about 20 methods) will be admitted in one round on the system of the Ministry of Education and Training.
After the final virtual screening, schools will enter the admission scores and admission results into the system, review and prepare to announce the first round of admission results according to the general schedule. Thus, after this period, schools can announce the benchmark scores and admission results to candidates.
The Ministry of Education and Training requires schools to announce their admission scores no later than 5 p.m. on August 19. Each candidate will only be admitted to one of their highest choices.
Recently, Hanoi University of Science and Technology announced that it will announce the admission scores based on the thinking assessment test scores and the 2024 high school graduation exam scores for 64 majors and training programs on August 17. Similarly, the Banking Academy also plans to announce the admission scores on this day.
Meanwhile, the National Economics University said that it is expected to announce the admission scores on August 19. Some schools such as Hanoi University of Industry and the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology are expected to announce their admission scores on August 19.
This year, the country has more than 733,000 candidates registering for university entrance exams out of a total of more than one million students taking the high school graduation exam. About 337,000 students dropped out of the university entrance exam, a decrease of 2.6% compared to last year.
Based on the exam score distribution, university representatives predict that this year's admission benchmark scores will increase, especially in the C00 group (Literature, History, Geography). Some schools also give specific forecasts for some "hot" majors.
Bach Khoa University is expected to announce the admission scores on August 17. (Source: HUST) |
For example, Hanoi University of Science and Technology predicts that the admissions to the school may increase slightly by 0.75 points compared to 2023. Of which, 3 majors of the school including Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence can have a standard score of over 28.
Hanoi Medical University predicts that the benchmark scores for Medicine and Dentistry may be above 28, as the quota considered entirely by high school graduation exam scores has decreased and the score range has increased.
Foreign Trade University predicts that the admission scores this year may increase slightly, but not for all groups. National Economics University predicts that the admission scores for top majors may increase slightly by about 0.25 points. For middle-group majors, the admission scores may increase more, from 0.5 to 0.75 points.
According to the plan of the Ministry of Education and Training, universities will announce the benchmark scores starting from 5:00 p.m. on August 17 and will be completed by August 19 at the latest. This afternoon, at 5:00 p.m. on August 6, the online application fee payment will end.
Source: https://baoquocte.vn/thoi-gian-du-kien-cong-bo-diem-chuan-dai-hoc-2024-cua-dh-bach-khoa-ha-noi-dh-kinh-te-quoc-dan-281495.html
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