In recent years, hypocrisy in society, especially among some cadres and party members, has tended to increase rapidly. The manifestations of hypocrisy, individualism, and selfishness among many cadres and party members are extremely complex and sophisticated. However, this has not been properly assessed by the authorities for the dangers and consequences it causes in order to prevent it.
Fire in the house... the rats come out
Through stories from many field trips, we realized that when a few corrupt officials have not yet been dealt with by the authorities, they are the ones who truly have power in agencies, localities, even ministries, branches, and the Central Government; they are the ones who "speak and people listen, threaten and people fear". When they have not yet been discovered to be "involved in the crime", they have used their hypocritical faces to "deceive" many authorities and party organizations at all levels; and have been trusted to hold leadership and management positions.
When they have power and are empowered, they consolidate their power by preaching revolutionary morality and being role models to their subordinates and the people. Sadly, it is only when the house is on fire that the rats come out and their hypocrisy is exposed.
Illustration: MANH TIEN
Hypocrisy is harmful to the people, but it is even more harmful to those in positions of authority and influential business owners. The higher the position, the more sophisticatedly the hypocrisy is concealed; it causes unethical actions with greater consequences for the people. Using hypocrisy not only covers up plots and illegal actions, embezzlement of public property, corruption of the State and people; and personal gain for oneself and relatives, but it also corrupts the morality of units, localities, and organizations. Those hypocrites, in the end, are typical examples of individualism.
The consequences of cadres wearing hypocritical masks are enormous in terms of economy, spirit, organization, and loss of people's trust in cadres. According to statistics from the authorities, the number of tens of thousands of party members, including cadres under the Central Government's management, being disciplined for corruption, embezzlement, and bribery each year shows that this situation has reached an alarming level.
Therefore, hypocrisy needs to be clearly pointed out and all strict educational measures must be used, through strict forms of law; through strict regulations of the Party and political and social organizations; through consensus through community and social conventions. Strictly handling these officials is a serious warning to those officials who are hiding their hypocrisy, hiding their intentions of personal gain and individualism without being discovered.
Who are hypocrites? What are the common signs?
The most typical example of the hypocrisy of some officials and business owners in recent times is the event that dozens of officials at all levels and businesses related to the rescue flight during the Covid-19 pandemic, bringing people from abroad back to the country, had to appear in court and receive appropriate sentences.
From a correct and humane policy of the Party and State to share difficulties with the people and bring people out of dangerous areas of the epidemic, many high-ranking officials and businesses have taken advantage of their positions to find ways to embezzle people's money.
Meanwhile, they still loudly, boldly, and blatantly deceive the press and media about ethics, responsibility, service spirit, and the hard work of their subordinates and businesses. Many people did not know at first, and naively believed them, paying them money to take advantage of them... Only when the information was exposed did people understand the hypocritical face of this group of officials and businesses.
It is truly heartbreaking and regrettable that recently, the authorities have continuously announced a series of disciplinary decisions against many officials at the department and department levels; secretaries, chairmen of provinces, districts, communes... and even higher-ranking officials. Many people lament that just yesterday they were sitting in leadership positions, trying their best to preach morality to many people, but when the authorities got involved and the police investigated, they revealed their true colors as termites that were worming away at every corner, spreading their greedy tentacles to plunder. The hypocrites colluded with each other to make mistakes, sign wrongly, embezzle, corrupt, and misappropriate... billions of dong in money and projects, which were the sweat and blood, the tax money of the people and businesses.
Peeling back the layers of hypocrisy
Why did they do that? Was it because of difficulties in life? Not at all! All the cadres who have been disciplined and investigated by the authorities recently are not poor, weak, or unqualified. They were even initially “seeds”, people with qualifications, a very good history of striving, and a pure family, which is a solid foundation for development and advancement in their careers.
Sadly, after only a short time as a cadre, they become rich, very rich! This is directly proportional to the degeneration of the cadre. The more they degenerate, the thicker their hypocritical facade must be to cover up their increasingly larger evil schemes.
Because of that, the next deal is bigger than the previous one. The amount of money, real estate, and cars also increases because of that. But money, cars, land, power... for them is never enough. Personal desires are always like a bottomless barrel, making their hypocritical face thicker and thicker with many layers, making it difficult for them to recognize themselves as they were at the beginning. The empty words they utter are contrary to their actions, making people suspicious and losing trust in the leadership agencies. Only when they are disciplined and investigated, do people realize their true face.
It is known that when carrying out innovation, the market economy develops, along with opportunities, good winds, the bad winds, the negative side of the market economy also make many people, businesses and a part of cadres unable to keep themselves. In the battle between sincere and fake lifestyles, it is always extremely tense and complicated. Cadres and party members are always torn between an idealistic, healthy, honest lifestyle, living by honest labor, having self-respect, having a sense of respect and protecting public property, taking care of the interests of the collective and the State, which makes them poor and struggling, and a pragmatic, deceitful, selfish, parasitic lifestyle, chasing after money, which makes them rich and enjoy life. Many cadres have not overcome the bad, the selfishness of the individual, so they choose a hypocritical face to cover up their ambitions, from there acting recklessly to enrich themselves.
At the 4th Central Conference, 13th tenure, our Party continued to emphasize: Entering a new development stage, our country continues to face many difficulties and challenges, the four dangers that the Party has pointed out are still present, in some cases even more severe; the degradation of morality and lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" is still complicated. The specific manifestations are the degradation of morality and lifestyle such as individualism, selfishness, pragmatism, opportunism, profiteering, personal gain, fame-seeking, ostentation, concealment of shortcomings, indifference, embezzlement, corruption, taking advantage of positions and powers to collude with businesses and other subjects for personal gain... are likened to queen termites, the queen termites give birth to tens of thousands, millions of termites, day by day gnawing and corroding many agencies; even worse, they corrode the spirit and will of a number of cadres and party members who lack will and training.
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