The fight against corruption led by the Party has brought into life a strong change in the awareness of the law among all classes of people, creating a new momentum in eliminating corruption.
Once upon a time…
Recalling the negative issues and extortion of more than 10 years ago, everyone shakes their heads in dismay. Stories like “greasing, bribing, giving bribes…” are the “unwritten rules” when going to competent authorities to resolve matters. For example: applying for a job, running for a position, running for a school, running for a project, and even running for a “mental health certificate” to escape legal punishment…
The Government's report on the summary of the national anti-corruption strategy in 2020 and the plan to implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption publicly announced in the media: In just over the past 10 years, more than 1,000 leaders and deputies of leaders nationwide have been disciplined for corruption. In 2022 alone, 539 party members were disciplined for corruption and intentional violations, 47 officials under the management of the Politburo and the Secretariat; 2 Deputy Prime Ministers, 3 Deputy Ministers and equivalent, 3 Chairmen of People's Councils and People's Committees of provinces and cities, and 1 Chairman of a corporation were dismissed from their positions; 493 new cases, 1,123 defendants were prosecuted for corruption; more than 364,000 billion VND of accounts were temporarily detained, seized, and frozen; more than 27,400 billion VND was recovered. And many other cases have been, are being, and will continue to come to light when our Party's consistent viewpoint in the fight against negative corruption is that there are no forbidden zones, no exceptions, regardless of who the person is.
In Binh Thuan, from 2020 to now, the province's authorities have discovered 14 new cases of corruption and negativity. The rate of investigation and discovery of cases is high with 676/766 cases investigated and clarified, arresting 880 suspects; of which very serious and especially serious cases were clarified in 117/120 cases (reaching a rate of 97.5%). The prosecution and trial of criminal cases strictly followed the law, without any wrongful convictions... These figures and information were just reported by Nguyen Hoai Anh, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee, to the Central Internal Affairs Commission's working delegation led by Phan Dinh Trac, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Internal Affairs Commission, who had a working session in mid-April with the Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee's Standing Committee on internal affairs, anti-corruption, negativity and judicial reform in 2022 and the first quarter of 2023.
That affirms that since General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong strongly launched the campaign to “burn the furnace” against corruption and negativity, the stories that society has been buzzing about the issue of extortion and negativity of officials and civil servants have gradually subsided. The determination of the entire Party and the entire people in the fight against corruption and negativity led by the Party has made new progress. It shows that the time of the two words “negativity” is gradually fading into the past.
Up to this point, the "war" against corruption initiated and led by the Party is still being implemented more strongly, resolutely, synchronously and comprehensively. The Party's viewpoint is to link the prevention of corruption and negativity with personnel work, strictly handle violations, dismiss and resign according to the regulations of the Party and the State. The people, including those I know, agree, are excited, happy, and express their confidence in the Party. "The people are extremely excited. Our Party has promptly and wisely identified this problem and fought fiercely against corruption and negativity; thereby adjusting deviant behaviors, otherwise there is a risk of affecting the regime...", Mr. Nguyen Van Lo, a retired cadre in Bac Binh district shared.
This is a sign of a strong change in the country's fight against corruption and negativity, bringing about initial results like today. It demonstrates the strictness of the law in the fight against corruption regardless of who that person is. Many officials and civil servants are now aware of that, changing their way of thinking, and are not foolish enough to trade their honor and reputation to do things that are not permitted by law. The Law on Officials and Civil Servants, amended and supplemented in 2019, stipulates that all violations during the working period of officials and civil servants who have resigned or retired will be handled according to the provisions of the law... This shows that the concept of "safe landing" no longer exists for those who have "got their hands dirty".
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