08:43, 22/06/2023
Ea Drong Commune (Cu M'gar District) has 3,124 households with over 14,400 people, of which local ethnic minorities account for 72%. People's lives mainly depend on agricultural production, so they still face many difficulties.
Implementing Directive 05-CT/TW of the Politburo on "Promoting studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle", in recent years, the commune has promoted the "piggy bank" movement to mobilize capital to help poor households and households in difficult circumstances rise up.
From 2017 to present, Ea Drong commune has mobilized 952 piggy banks with savings of over 444 million VND. Thereby, it has supported 44 poor and near-poor households to implement livestock and crop development models, of which 8 households have escaped poverty sustainably.
Ea Drong commune officials visited the cow farming model of Mr. Y Hen Nie's family. |
The family of Mr. Y Hen Nie (Yong B hamlet) used to be in very difficult circumstances. He did not have a stable job, all living expenses and raising three children to study mainly depended on wages from hired labor. In 2017, his family received support from the district to build a Great Unity house and a year later, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Ea Drong commune continued to allocate 6 million VND from the "piggy bank" fund to support the purchase of a breeding cow. With hard work, Mr. Y Hen Nie's family has now increased the herd to 5 cows. At the end of 2022, his family was removed from the list of poor households. Mr. Y Hen Nie confided: "In the past, my family's economy was very difficult, hard-working, and was among the poor households of the commune. Thanks to the support capital from the piggy bank model, my family has capital for livestock farming. My husband and I also actively farm, take care of coffee and work for hire in our free time. Thanks to that, my family has escaped poverty and our life is more and more stable.
Similarly, Ms. H Blip Nie's family in Yong village has just escaped poverty thanks to support from the commune's "piggy bank" fund. Previously, due to not having any land for production, she and her husband had to work for hire to make ends meet and send their children to school. At the end of 2017, her family received 6 million VND from the Ea Drong commune Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee from the "piggy bank" fund. From there, she bought 3 female goats to raise. With good care, the family's goats grew quickly, and she sold some of them to earn income. Currently, her family has 9 goats, including 2 mother goats that give birth. With accumulated capital and additional loans, her family has bought 7 sao of land to grow coffee. Her family's economy has gradually improved and is growing.
H'Xiu Eban
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