With the far-sighted vision of a genius, leader Ho Chi Minh grasped the world situation, correctly assessed the revolutionary opportunity to join our Party in leading the people of the whole country to successfully carry out the August Revolution, establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, opening a new era - national independence associated with socialism.
The victory of the August Revolution was one of the greatest and most outstanding victories in the history of Vietnam in the 20th century. That victory was closely linked to the wise and talented leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh - the genius leader of the Party and our nation. To achieve that victory, our Party, our People and leader Ho Chi Minh overcame countless hardships and sacrifices. After "thirty years of restless journey", he went to "free lands and slave lands", wandering to find a way to save the country and returned to the Fatherland in early 1941 to prepare with our Party for the August Revolution later.
The success of the August Revolution was the result of the struggle for 15 years since the birth of our Party. From the guidelines, strategies, methods, approaches, and political goals set forth in the Party's Political Platform of October 1930 to the process of preparing and building forces, our Party has always affirmed that the mass forces play a great role in the revolutionary cause, in which the core is the armed forces. Inheriting the tradition of fighting against foreign invaders, leader Ho Chi Minh and our Party prepared to build the armed forces - the most important army, directly participating in combat, deciding the success of the revolution.
Khuoi Nam hut in Pac Bo, Truong Ha commune, Ha Quang district, Cao Bang, where the 8th Central Conference of the Indochinese Communist Party (May 1941) took place, deciding to prioritize the task of national liberation and establish the Viet Minh Front. Photo: Archive.
Immediately after returning to the country, leader Nguyen Ai Quoc convened and chaired the 8th Central Party Conference (May 1941) to decide to establish the Viet Minh Front and to promote preparations for an armed uprising. In October 1941, he decided to establish the first armed guerrilla team in Cao Bang. In December 1944, leader Ho Chi Minh issued a directive to establish the Vietnam Propaganda Liberation Army. The directive emphasized: “The name of the Vietnam Propaganda Liberation Army means that politics is more important than military. It is a propaganda team..., at the same time it is the starting point of the liberation army, it can go from the South to the North” (1).
On December 22, 1944, the Vietnam Propaganda Liberation Army was established in Tran Hung Dao forest in Nguyen Binh district, Cao Bang province, under the command of comrade Vo Nguyen Giap, directly participating in the fight alongside local militia bases and forces, playing a pivotal role in deciding the success of the August Revolution. Photo: Archive.
Ho Chi Minh was a genius in military strategy. The work “How to fight a guerrilla” was one of his first books on military affairs in 1941. The work was popularized in revolutionary organizations during the period 1941-1945. In May 1944, this book was published and widely distributed by the Viet Minh General Department, used as training material at military schools in Viet Bac during the days of preparation for the August Revolution. The work “How to fight a guerrilla” has 13 chapters, the content of each chapter is concise and easy to understand so that cadres and people can correctly perceive and implement it. At the end of the work, he wrote: “With a local revolutionary government and a solid base, the guerrilla team can develop its forces and become a regular army (a regular army is an army organized according to certain rules in terms of organization, discipline, guns, clothing, and food all follow those certain rules)” (2). It was indeed a prediction, an inevitable development of the revolutionary army later on.
To prepare for the General Uprising and long-term resistance, Ho Chi Minh researched, translated and compiled the work "The Art of War by Sun Tzu" consisting of 13 chapters, published by the Viet Minh General Department in February 1945. A book that is correct for military use, but also very good for political use, very necessary for the military and political work of cadres at that time and later.
The stone table by Lenin stream, where President Ho Chi Minh often sat and worked during his stay in Pac Bo, Cao Bang from 1941 to 1945. Photo archive.
With the traditional experience of fighting to defend the country, our Party and leader Ho Chi Minh built a solid revolutionary base to gather, organize forces and train in preparation for the General Uprising. From the Bac Son - Vo Nhai base, expanding to Cao Bang and the Viet Bac base, a large area was created to gather and attract a large number of people to join the forces.
The success of the August Revolution was to determine and choose the right time to revolt. A skillful, correct, and historic choice by our Party and leader Ho Chi Minh to create a great achievement for the nation. From the directive “Japan and France are fighting each other and our actions” in March 1945 by the Party Central Committee Standing Committee, to Military Order No. 1 issued by the National Uprising Committee on the night of August 13, 1945, it was a historic step, choosing the right time to revolt, multiplying the strength of the entire nation, achieving great victory. Those were the moments when the entire Vietnamese nation rose up “using our own strength to liberate ourselves”. Remembering those years, later, poet Nguyen Dinh Thi wrote with pride: “People rose up like water bursting its banks/ Vietnam rose from blood and fire/ Shaking off the mud, shining brightly” (3).
Rally to launch an uprising to seize power organized by the Viet Minh Front at the Hanoi Opera House on August 19, 1945. Photo courtesy of the Viet Minh Front.
History has proven and affirmed that the success of the August Revolution is a unique great achievement in the history of Vietnam over the past nearly 8 decades. However, hostile forces and reactionary organizations always use all plots and tricks, in many forms, to distort the truth, falsify history, and deny the revolutionary achievements of the nation. Those despicable, objective, untrue, and historical defamatory arguments have revealed the faces of those who have the ambition to cause loss of confidence, instability, and divide the unity and solidarity bloc. To protect and promote the achievements of the August Revolution, we must always be alert to identify, raise vigilance, and resistance to strengthen the fight against the untrue propaganda and historical distortions of hostile forces.
The vast blue sky of August is giving us new faith and aspiration to contribute our strength and intelligence to building a strong homeland and a prosperous country, a prosperous people, and to satisfy the wishes of countless compatriots and comrades who have fallen to create great achievements in Vietnamese history.
On September 2, 1945, at Ba Dinh Square - Hanoi, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, opening a new era in the history of the nation. Photo: Archive.
Celebrating the 78th anniversary of the August Revolution, National Day September 2 and the 54th anniversary of Uncle Ho's return to the world of the wise, we are even more grateful for the immense contributions of President Ho Chi Minh - the genius leader who, together with our Party and our People, made the August Revolution a great success. The spirit of the August Revolution always shines, forever a source of strength and great motivation for the cause of innovation. The spirit of the August Revolution is urging us to promote the will of self-reliance, self-reliance, and arousing the aspiration to develop the country and homeland to be prosperous and happy.
Content: Phan Trung Thanh
Photo: Document
Design & Engineering: Huy Tung - Khoi Nguyen
(1) According to Ho Chi Minh Complete Works. CD - Rom. National Publishing House - Truth (3rd edition), volume 3, page 539;
(2) According to Ho Chi Minh Complete Works. CD - Rom. National Publishing House - Truth (3rd edition) volume 3, page 536;
(3) Poem "Country" by Nguyen Dinh Thi.
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