TPO - In the first days of the new year of At Ty 2025, many tourists and young people came to Nhon Hai commune (Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh) to check-in at the green moss field.
Moss is a gift from nature to Nhon Hai peninsula commune. When the rocks at the embankment here are covered with green moss, many locals and tourists come to check-in every day. Photo: Truong Dinh
According to locals, the green moss appears earlier this year, usually from the end of February onwards. The best time to observe the green mossy rocks is early in the morning, when the sun has just risen and the tide is low.
When the tide recedes, green moss carpets on the rocks begin to appear. Photo: Truong Dinh
Young people enjoy checking in at the green mossy stone beach of Nhon Hai. Photo: Truong Dinh
Posing next to the green mossy rocks of Nhon Hai. Photo: Truong Dinh
Ms. Kieu Nga (30 years old, in Hoai Huong ward, Hoai Nhon town, Binh Dinh) said that seeing many pictures of Nhon Hai mossy rock beach posted on social networks, she also wanted to come here to experience its beauty. According to Ms. Nga, in Hoai Huong there are many coastal rocky beaches but she has not seen the "green moss carpet" on the rocks. "The feeling of beauty is really hard to describe," Kieu Nga expressed.
Tourists immerse themselves in the natural scenery. Photo: Truong Dinh
Located on Phuong Mai range, about 20km from Quy Nhon city center, Nhon Hai is becoming an attractive beach tourist destination. Coming to Nhon Hai this season, in addition to the green mossy rocks, visitors can also enjoy the beauty of nature and enjoy delicious dishes here.
Shrimp and squid pancakes in Nhon Hai commune. Photo: Truong Dinh
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Truong Dinh
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