DNVN - The commercial aviation services market in the Asia-Pacific region is likely to more than double in value from the current US$52 billion to US$129 billion by 2043, according to Airbus' latest Global Services Forecast (GSF).
This is driven by demand for around 19,500 new aircraft and air passenger traffic in the region growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.81%.
Thanks to the increase in annual air traffic, fleet expansion and the need for more connected and digitally enabled aircraft, the growth in service demand will be reflected in solutions deployed across all phases of an aircraft from delivery to end of life, including maintenance, upgrades and flight training.
Among the various service segments in Asia Pacific, the market value of the Aircraft Maintenance segment is expected to more than double from USD 43 billion to USD 109 billion (+5.0% CAGR). The Aircraft Modification and Upgrade segment is expected to grow similarly, from USD 5.1 billion to USD 13 billion (+5.1% CAGR), while the Training and Operations segment is expected to grow from USD 4.1 billion in 2024 to USD 7.6 billion in 2043 (+3.3% CAGR).
Airbus forecasts that the Asia-Pacific region will need 999,000 new skilled professionals (nearly 45% of the global workforce) over the next 20 years, including 268,000 new pilots, 298,000 new technicians and 433,000 new flight attendants.
“The Asia-Pacific region will see the largest growth and activity in aftermarket services, with many opportunities to improve efficiency, simplify and operate responsibly. Airbus will continue to play a key role in supporting airlines and the aviation industry as a whole in adapting to these opportunities,” said Cristina Aguilar Grieder, Senior Vice President, Customer Services, Airbus.
Phan Minh
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/kinh-te/thi-truong-dich-vu-hang-khong-chau-a-thai-binh-duong-tang-truong-manh/20240924090117780
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