On the afternoon of August 3, the workshop "Research, teaching and application of mathematics" organized by Nguyen Tat Thanh University attracted the participation of mathematicians and experts from the Vietnam Mathematical Society, the Vietnam Institute of Mathematics, the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, the University of Economics and Law (Ho Chi Minh City National University), Mahidol University (Thailand) and 2 Indian mathematics professors who are Editors-in-Chief of Scopus mathematics journals (Journal of Algebra and Applied Mathematics and Journal of Analysis and Applications).
Mathematicians contributed 24 papers, including 16 on theoretical mathematics and 8 on applied mathematics to analyze events in medicine (including Covid-19), biology, banking and securities, economic growth, etc.
Professor Nguyen Huu Du presents his mathematical research.
On the sidelines of the workshop, sharing the issue of why so many students are "afraid" of math and feel pressured and stressed every time math class comes, Professor Nguyen Huu Du commented: "Besides the students who love math, the majority are still afraid, partly because math knowledge is too difficult, while math teachers have not brought inspiration to learners. Especially at university level, math is academic, making students even more afraid."
According to Professor Nguyen Huu Du, students are afraid of and hate math because they do not understand that math helps us to think logically, systematically and ultimately, knowledge. Therefore, they often think that learning these formulas is useless and that they do not need them in real life.
"In fact, mathematics has been applied since ancient times and today, in the era of the 4.0 industrial revolution, mathematics is closer to life. Mathematics can predict epidemics, can calculate to come up with treatment regimens, can analyze to give results in medicine. Mathematics can also study the development of all species in the ecosystem...", Mr. Du said.
Students of Nguyen Tat Thanh University listen to mathematicians share about mathematical application topics.
In order for math to truly promote its beauty and role, Professor Nguyen Huu Du believes that teachers must have effective and practical ways of communicating, seek more interesting methods, and incorporate real-life examples into lessons.
Professor Le Van Thuyet, lecturer at the Mathematics Department of the University of Education (Hue University), also assessed that Vietnamese mathematics is limited in practical application due to the training program and research projects being too theoretical.
But Dr. Thuyet commented that recently, university research topics have also been oriented towards applied products and funding has also been oriented towards more applicable topics.
"Regarding math teaching methods, teachers and lecturers must show students how valuable math is in life, from the smallest things, to create passion and interest in learning math," Dr. Thuyet shared.
When asked whether the multiple-choice math test in the high school graduation exam affects the way math is taught and learned, Professor Nguyen Huu Du commented: "It must be said that the current multiple-choice test is killing math, not affecting it anymore. Math trains logical thinking, so the test must be deductive, not just a question with the answer being A, B, C or D. The multiple-choice test should only be used in the first round to eliminate a number of candidates, then another test format must be used to select candidates," Mr. Du said.
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