Disseminate and thoroughly understand the exam regulations and exam schedule for high school graduation exam candidates
This year, Son La province has 12,680 candidates registered for the high school graduation exam, including 11,569 12th graders at high schools and 1,111 independent candidates. The province has 35 exam sites with 562 exam rooms and 45 waiting rooms, arranged at high schools, middle schools and boarding schools for ethnic minorities in 12 districts and cities.
At the examination sites, security and order were ensured; the examination room map was posted in an easily visible location. At exactly 2 p.m., candidates arrived at the examination sites to complete procedures and recheck personal information. The invigilators disseminated and thoroughly explained the examination regulations and schedule to the candidates.
According to the report of the Steering Committee for the 2024 Son La Provincial High School Graduation Exam, as of 4:05 p.m. on June 26, the whole province had 116 candidates who did not come to complete the exam procedures. Of these, 20 candidates were exempted from the exam, 40 candidates submitted a request not to take the exam, 1 candidate had an accident before the exam day, 1 candidate was sick, and 54 candidates had not come to complete the exam procedures. The candidates completed the procedures and listened to the exam regulations and schedule, preparing the best mindset for the exam.
Candidates in Son La province have come to the examination sites to complete procedures to take the 2024 high school graduation exam. Photo: Van Ngoc
Security and order at high school graduation exam sites are guaranteed.
The examination sites have assigned tasks to members and agreed on a plan for organizing the examination. The examination sites have fully prepared the required facilities, including: posting information as required; preparing stationery bags; storing items that candidates are not allowed to bring into the examination room; checking and reviewing other facilities. The work of ensuring security and safety of exam papers and test papers; traffic safety; food safety; preventing and combating natural disasters and epidemics; contingency plans to respond when unusual situations occur... has been completed.
According to the report of the Steering Committee for the 2024 Son La Provincial High School Graduation Exam, as of 4:05 p.m. on June 26, the whole province had 116 candidates who did not come to complete the exam procedures. Photo: Van Ngoc
Also on the morning of June 26, examination sites throughout Son La province held a meeting with all officials involved in organizing the exam to announce the decision to establish an examination committee; report on the preparation of facilities and equipment; study the examination regulations and examination procedures; disseminate the examination plan; check and grasp the situation of the residence and living conditions of the officials involved in the examination and candidates.
Source: https://danviet.vn/thi-sinh-son-la-lam-thu-tuc-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-20240626173221313.htm
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