On March 14, 2025, the European Commission (EC) issued a Notice proposing to impose provisional anti-dumping duties on certain hot-rolled steel products imported into the European Union (EU) from Egypt, India, Japan and Vietnam. According to this Notice, Hoa Phat Group's hot-rolled steel coils are not subject to provisional anti-dumping duties from the EU.
Hoa Phat hot rolled steel coil is not subject to anti-dumping tax by EU
Hoa Phat's success in this case comes from many factors. First, Hoa Phat's hot-rolled steel coil is produced on a modern technological line, all production stages are optimized, so it has a competitive price. During the EU investigation, Hoa Phat cooperated closely and proactively provided full relevant data to the EU investigation agency. Transparent data and a clear system are among the factors contributing to Hoa Phat's success in this lawsuit.
The fact that Hoa Phat hot-rolled steel is not subject to anti-dumping tax shows its level and experience in handling legal issues in the international market. On the other hand, downstream enterprises using Hoa Phat HRC have the opportunity to export to the EU without worrying about the origin and dumping of raw materials.
Meanwhile, other Vietnamese enterprises are subject to a temporary tax rate of 12.1%. Japanese hot-rolled steel imported into the EU is subject to a temporary tax rate of 6.9% - 33%. Egypt is subject to a 15.6% tax rate.
According to the EC's announcement, the products subject to temporary duties are certain flat-rolled products of iron, non-alloy steel or other alloy steel, whether in coils or not, not further worked than hot-rolled, not clad or plated, originating from Egypt, Japan and Vietnam.
Products excluded from this investigation include: Grain-oriented stainless steel or silicon electrical steel; tool steel and special high-hardness tool steel; steel not in coils, without relief pattern, of thickness greater than 10 mm and width of 600 mm or more; and steel not in coils, without relief pattern, of thickness 4.75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm and width of 2,050 mm or more.
Previously, on August 8, 2024, the European Commission (EC) issued a Notice of Initiation of an Anti-Dumping Investigation into Certain Hot-Rolled Steel Products Imported into the European Union (EU) from Egypt, India, Japan and Vietnam. The anti-dumping investigation period is from April 11, 2023 to March 31, 2024. The injury investigation period is from January 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024.
Hoa Phat Group is the largest steel producer in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. From the end of 2025, the Group's steel design capacity will reach 15 million tons/year, focusing mainly on hot-rolled coil steel and high-quality steel for the mechanical engineering industry. Hoa Phat holds the No. 1 market share in the domestic market and has exported many different types of steel to 40 countries and territories.
HPG News
Source: https://www.hoaphat.com.vn/tin-tuc/thep-cuon-can-nong-cua-hoa-phat-khong-bi-eu-ap-thue-chong-ban-pha-gia.html
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