Vietnam Academy of Agriculture

Vietnam Agricultural Academy announced to recruit 260 additional students for majors according to 2 admission methods: Based on high school graduation exam results and based on academic records. The Academy's additional admission quota is 50% based on high school graduation exam results; 50% based on academic records. The Academy will adjust the quota between methods from 10% - 30% to meet the learning needs of learners for each training group.

The minimum score set by Vietnam Academy of Agriculture is 17-20 points based on high school graduation exam results depending on the major, and 22-23 points based on academic transcripts depending on the major.

The academy will accept applications until September 5th; admission results are expected to be announced on September 6th. Expected enrollment period is from September 7th to 9th.

Additional majors and admission criteria of Vietnam National Academy of Agriculture in 2024 are as follows:

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Forestry University

Forestry University will recruit 500 additional students for 23 training majors according to two admission methods: Based on high school graduation exam results and based on academic records. Forestry University will receive applications until September 15. The school will notify each candidate of the admission results and organize admission for successful candidates.

Additional majors and admission criteria of the University of Forestry in 2024 are as follows:


University of Economics and Industrial Technology

The University of Economics and Industrial Technology announced the additional admission of 780 students, including 110 students at the Hanoi campus and 670 students at the Nam Dinh campus, according to two admission methods: based on high school graduation exam results and based on academic records.

With the high school graduation exam results, the score for receiving applications is from 17.5 to 22 points depending on the major. With the academic transcript results, the score for receiving applications is from 19.5 to 24 points depending on the major. The school plans to reserve 70% of the total enrollment quota for admission based on the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam.

Time for receiving applications from University of Economics and Industrial Technology before 5:00 p.m. on September 4.

Additional majors and admission criteria of the University of Economics and Industrial Technology in 2024 are as follows:

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Academy of Ethnicities

The Ethnic Academy will recruit 20 additional students for the Economics and Education major in ethnic minority areas using two methods: reviewing academic records (candidates must have an average score of three subjects in the admission group of 18.25 or higher) and reviewing high school graduation exam results (candidates must have a total score of 18.25 or higher). The Academy will consider subject groups C00, C03, C04, D01.

The second round of enrollment of the Ethnic Academy is expected to end at 5:00 p.m. on September 6. The expected tuition fee in the 2024-2025 school year is from 1 to 1.3 million VND/student/month.

Bac Giang University of Agriculture and Forestry

Bac Giang University of Agriculture and Forestry is recruiting 265 additional students according to 3 methods: considering high school transcripts (candidates need to have an average score of 6 points in 5 semesters of high school) and considering high school graduation exam results (candidates need to have a total score of 15 points or higher).

The school accepts applications until September 11. The expected announcement of admission results is September 12, and the expected enrollment date is September 15.

Additional majors and admission targets of Bac Giang University of Agriculture and Forestry in 2024 are as follows:

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University of Economics and Business Administration, Thai Nguyen University

Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration is recruiting 19 additional majors with 500 quotas, including many "hot" majors such as Economic Law, Logistics and Supply Chain Management... The school recruits students by 2 methods: considering high school transcripts (the minimum score is from 18 - 21 depending on the major) and considering high school graduation exam results (the minimum score is from 17 - 20 depending on the major).

The school will accept applications until September 15.

Additional majors and admission criteria of the University of Economics and Business Administration, Thai Nguyen University in 2024 are as follows:

Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration.jpg

Previously, many schools also announced additional admissions such as Vietnam-Japan University, Hanoi National University; International School, Hanoi National University; School of Business and Administration, Hanoi National University; University of Science, Thai Nguyen University; Nam Dinh University of Nursing; Hanoi University of Textile Industry; Vietnam Women's Academy...

Many universities have additional admission requirements from 15 to 22 points . The School of Business Administration and Hanoi National University admits candidates with scores of 22 or higher. The Vietnam Women's Academy accepts applications from 21 points, while some schools only admit candidates with scores of 15 points.