Seeing that his son was slow to speak and had hearing problems, Mr. NPT (in Ho Chi Minh City) took his son K. (4 years old) to Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City for a medical examination.
Baby cries when touched in the ear
When Master - Doctor Truong Tan Phat started the ear endoscopy, baby K. cried and struggled, not letting the doctor touch his ear. After many times of coaxing and the parents holding the baby back, the doctor finally successfully performed the ear endoscopy on the baby.
Adults should clean children's ears twice a month.
The endoscope screen showed an image of earwax forming a hard mass, blocking baby K's two ear canals, so it could not be removed during the first examination. The doctor diagnosed the baby with earwax and hearing loss.
Doctor Tan Phat said that earwax had accumulated for a long time, so when it touched the ear canal, the baby was in a lot of pain, cried loudly and struggled. The doctor instructed Mr. T. and his wife to use ear drops in the baby's ear 3-4 times a day to soften the earwax and told them to bring the baby back for a check-up after 1 week so the doctor could remove the earwax.
During the follow-up examination, K.'s earwax was softer than before. Doctor Tan Phat used a specialized tool to suction out the softened earwax through the endoscope. After the procedure, the doctor examined and measured the baby's hearing and found that the baby's hearing had improved significantly.
Long-term delay in child speech
Dr. Tan Phat explained that normally, when earwax dries, it will fall out of the ear along with dirt. However, in some cases, the earwax is secreted too much, too dry or too sticky, forming a mass, so the earwax must be removed, otherwise it will block the child's ear canal.
Do not use cotton swabs to clean your ears because you will accidentally push earwax deeper inside.
Earwax plugs occur when earwax is not cleaned, sticks and accumulates, blocking the ear canal. At this time, children will feel uncomfortable, itchy ears, have hearing loss, tinnitus, ringing or noise in the ear...
Doctor Tan Phat said that if earwax in children is not treated promptly and properly, it can be pushed deeper inside, reducing the mechanism of sound transmission to the eardrum, affecting the child's hearing. In particular, for children in the stage of learning to speak, earwax reduces sound reception, children are not exposed to sound regularly and with enough intensity, so they are slow to speak. In the case of baby K., hearing loss, hearing loss and affecting the child's slow speech.
Earwax can also cause tinnitus and earache due to otitis externa in children. Depending on the condition of the child's earwax, it can be treated at home or at a medical facility.
Doctor Tan Phat noted that you should not use cotton swabs to clean your ears because you will accidentally push the earwax deeper inside. Do not use iron earwax removers, keys, pen caps, or toothpicks to clean your child's ears because they can easily cause scratches - which can cause infection in the child's ear canal. More dangerously, if you accidentally remove earwax too much, it can easily lead to a perforated eardrum and deafness in your child.
According to Dr. Tan Phat, if the child's earwax is not too much, parents can remove the child's earwax at home by: Let the child lie on one side, drop 0.9% sodium chloride saline solution with a dosage of about 5 - 7 drops/time, repeat 3 - 5 times/day, do this for 5 - 7 days to soften the earwax. Gently twist a corner of the towel, slowly insert it deep into the child's ear and continue twisting. The earwax will follow the twist of the cotton towel and come out. The softness of the towel will not harm the child's eardrum and the earwax will still be cleaned.
If after 5 - 7 days of using 0.9% sodium chloride drops, earwax is still firmly attached to the ear canal mucosa, parents should take their child to see a specialist to have the earwax removed.
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