(Dan Tri) - Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Long Bien and his wife and children went to Hanoi University of Science and Technology to give 1 billion VND to poor students who have overcome difficulties.
Associate Professor Dr. Pham Thanh Huyen, Head of Student Affairs Department (Hanoi University of Science and Technology) said that teacher Bui Long Bien was a former senior lecturer of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, from 1960 to 2002. In 2002, he retired under the state regime.
On March 22, teacher Bui Long Bien decided to donate 1 billion VND to Hanoi University of Science and Technology to create scholarships to support students with especially difficult circumstances, who have the will and determination to succeed in life.
Teacher Bui Long Bien donated one billion VND in scholarships to students of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Photo: Provided by the school).
According to Associate Professor Dr. Pham Thanh Huyen, Hanoi University of Science and Technology will establish a scholarship fund named after teacher Bui Long Bien. This amount will be divided into 100 scholarships, each worth 10 million VND.
Each semester, the school will consider granting 10 scholarships to 10 students with especially difficult economic circumstances (poor/near-poor households or other households with especially difficult economic circumstances).
The standard subjects eligible to apply for the Bui Long Bien teacher scholarship include: Students from households with particularly difficult economic circumstances (poor/near-poor households or other households with particularly difficult economic circumstances) and simultaneously meeting the following conditions: Currently studying under the standard training program; average academic score of the previous semester (GPA) from 2.5/4 or higher; training score of the previous semester is at least 65/100.
Students who have received the Bui Long Bien Teacher Scholarship will continue to receive the scholarship in the following semesters until the scholarship program ends (scholarship runs out) if they ensure that they satisfy the conditions for maintaining the scholarship.
According to the school, this is the money the teacher saved over many years of teaching and scientific research.
With this money, Mr. Bien and his family decided to donate it to Hanoi University of Science and Technology to create a scholarship fund to support students with especially difficult circumstances, striving to improve their lives.
Currently, Hanoi University of Science and Technology has the following scholarships: Academic Encouragement Scholarship: For students with good academic and training results.
Tran Dai Nghia Scholarship: For students with difficult circumstances, with the determination to succeed in life.
Scholarship: For students with good academic results, students with difficult circumstances.
Student exchange scholarships: For students studying and exchanging abroad.
Homeland Connection Scholarship: For students whose graduation projects/theses apply to real life in society.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/thay-giao-88-tuoi-tang-sinh-vien-ngheo-1-ty-dong-20250322214707811.htm
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