Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong emphasized that students only need to study all subjects equally to be able to pass the 10th grade entrance exam, without worrying or taking extra classes.
Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong emphasized that students only need to study all subjects equally to be able to pass the 10th grade entrance exam, without worrying or taking extra classes.
Regarding the selection of subjects for the 10th grade entrance exam according to the 2018 General Education Program, on October 31, on the sidelines of the Conference summarizing the organization of the High School Graduation Exam for the period 2020-2024 and preparing for the exam from 2025, taking place in Ho Chi Minh City, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong shared more with the press about this issue.
Deputy Minister Pham Ngoc Thuong said the spirit of the 10th grade entrance exam plan is to include Math, Literature and a third subject chosen by the Departments from the remaining subjects with points, with the principle of changing every year. Changing the third subject is to avoid biased learning and rote learning.
In practice, through the inspection work of the Ministry, many departments and branches have recorded this phenomenon. The Ministry has made adjustments to both the teaching process and scores.
Fixing the exam subjects as before, over time, has led to the consequence that some schools from the beginning of the school year only focus on three exam subjects, while students need knowledge and skills in other subjects as well. When the psychology of studying is the same as the exam, management must be strict.
The educational goal of the junior high school program is to provide basic education so that students have the capacity and qualities to continue to high school or move on to vocational training.
Students' qualities and abilities are formed and synthesized in all subjects. Therefore, all subjects must be taught and learned equally, except for the two basic sciences: Mathematics and Literature.
Deputy Minister Pham Ngoc Thuong emphasized that students only need to study all subjects equally to be able to pass the 10th grade entrance exam, without worrying or taking extra classes.
In reality, no solution can fully satisfy the needs, but it is necessary to choose the most optimal and suitable solution to ensure educational factors and qualities and abilities for students, especially the requirements of the new program.
Regarding the proposal to keep the three subjects of Math, Literature and Foreign Language stable in the 10th grade entrance exam of Ho Chi Minh City, Deputy Minister Pham Ngoc Thuong said that the Ministry's regulations are applied nationwide.
Furthermore, English is taught and learned throughout primary school to grade 12, even lifelong, so it should not depend on an exam.
2025 is the first year of implementing 10th grade enrollment according to the 2018 General Education Program. The Ministry of Education and Training is widely soliciting public opinions on the Draft Circular promulgating the Regulations on Middle School and High School Enrollment.
One of the notable contents in this draft Regulation is that the third subject in the entrance exam method must be changed over the years to achieve the goal of comprehensive education.
Besides opinions agreeing with the draft plan, many opinions said that changing the third exam subject every year and announcing it on March 31st will make schools and students passive, increasing the pressure to study in many subjects./.
The Ministry of Education and Training has consulted 63 departments of education and training and nearly 8,900 secondary education institutions on the 10th grade entrance exam plan, of which 60 departments and nearly 93% of schools agreed.
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