In traditional medicine, many herbs have warming properties, help fight bacteria, viruses, and strengthen the immune system, supporting the treatment of flu. Below are some common herbs and how to use them.
Lemongrass. Lemongrass essential oil has antibacterial and antiviral effects, helps clear the nose, reduce cough, and reduce fever. How to use:
Use as tea: Take 3 - 5 fresh lemongrass stalks, crush, steep with boiling water, can add honey and lemon to increase effectiveness.
For steaming: Combine lemongrass with ginger, perilla, and mint to cook steaming water.
Perilla: Uses to relieve colds, reduce fever, induce sweating, reduce cough, and reduce phlegm. How to use:
Drink perilla leaf water: Boil perilla leaf water and drink while it is still warm.
Combine in a steaming pot: Cook perilla leaves with lemongrass, ginger, and mint for steaming.
Ginger: Warm, helps warm the body, stimulates circulation, reduces cough, loosens phlegm, and relieves sore throat. How to use:
Ginger tea: 3 - 5 slices of fresh ginger, mixed with hot water, add honey and lemon to enhance the effect.
Foot soak: Crush ginger and boil with water, use to soak feet to help blood circulation, reduce flu.
Ginger tea
Perilla: Helps relieve colds, reduce fever, and relieve headaches. How to use: Brew perilla tea to drink or use in a steam pot to relieve colds.
Mint: Helps clear the nose, reduce nasal congestion, reduce mild fever, stimulate sweat glands. How to use: Brew mint tea, add a little honey to increase effectiveness. Or steam with mint leaves to help clear the respiratory tract.
Below are detailed instructions on how to use some herbal remedies to treat colds and flu and to disinfect your home.
Ginger honey tea: (reduces cough, warms the body, clears the nose)
Ingredients: 3 - 5 slices of fresh ginger; 200 ml of boiling water; 1 teaspoon of honey; 1 - 2 slices of lemon.
How to make: Boil water, add ginger, cover and let it steep for 10 minutes. Filter out ginger, add honey and lemon. Drink while still warm, 2-3 times a day. Note: Do not drink on an empty stomach as it may cause heartburn.
Lemongrass and perilla tea: (relieving colds, reducing fever, sweating)
Ingredients: 3 fresh lemongrass stalks (crushed); 10 perilla leaves; 300 ml boiling water; 1 teaspoon honey or rock sugar.
How to make: Boil water, add lemongrass and perilla, cover and let steep for 10 minutes. Add honey or rock sugar, drink while still warm.
Note: drink after meals for best cold relief effect.
Ginger mint tea: (clears nasal congestion, reduces nasal congestion, makes breathing easier)
Ingredients: 5 - 7 mint leaves; 2 - 3 slices of ginger; 250 ml boiling water; 1 teaspoon honey.
Directions: Steep mint and ginger in boiling water for 10 minutes. Add honey, stir well and drink warm.
Note: Do not use too much mint as it can irritate the stomach.
Foot soak to treat flu:
Ingredients: 1 fresh ginger root (crushed); 1 handful of lemongrass leaves (cut into pieces); 2 liters of water.
How to make: Boil ginger and lemongrass with 2 liters of water for 10 minutes. Pour into a basin, let the water cool down to about 40 degrees Celsius (warm but not too hot). Soak your feet for 15 - 20 minutes before going to bed.
Note: Do not soak your feet if you have open wounds. Diabetics should carefully check the water temperature before soaking.
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