The guiding viewpoint of Lao Cai City Party Committee is that the construction of "Four-good Party Cells" and "Four-good Grassroots Party Committees" must be widely implemented, creating a vibrant competitive atmosphere throughout the city's Party Committee, raising awareness among cadres and Party members.
The contents of the model must be easy to understand, easy to remember, easy to implement, easy to check, monitor and evaluate the actual results; must be implemented regularly and continuously; promote the combined strength in improving the leadership capacity, fighting strength of the Party organization and the quality of Party members.

The City Party Committee has directed the selection of pilot units in 2024. Specifically, the type of grassroots party committees directly under the City Party Committee selected 6 party committees: Kim Tan Ward Party Committee, Pom Han Ward Party Committee, Cam Duong Commune Party Committee, City Police Party Committee, Health Party Committee, Lao Cai Province Specialized High School Party Committee. The type of grassroots party cells directly under the City Party Committee selected 4 party cells: Party cell of the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, Party cell of the City People's Court, Party cell of the City Center for Vocational Education and Continuing Education, Party cell of City High School No. 1.
For party cells under the grassroots party committee, each party committee selects 2 subordinate party cells to deploy as pilot projects.
The criteria of the "Four Good Party Cell" model include: Completing political tasks well; good quality of life; good solidarity and discipline; good cadres and party members.
The model of "Four-good grassroots Party Committee" has 9 specific criteria, such as: Thoroughly grasping and promptly, fully and creatively implementing the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws and directives, resolutions and regulations... of the higher-level Party Committee; proactively and actively innovating the Party's leadership methods at the grassroots level, especially promoting the role and exemplary responsibility of cadres and Party members; completing 100% of the targets and tasks assigned by the direct superiors in the year; internal solidarity of the Party Executive Committee; 100% of subordinate Party cells achieving "Four-good Party Cells"...
Building the model of "Four-good Party Cells" and "Four-good Grassroots Party Committees" will contribute to consolidating and improving the quality and efficiency of grassroots Party organizations and Party members; effectively promoting good and creative practices of collectives and individuals in the work of building Party organizations...
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