Accordingly, the Provincial Inspectorate proposed to recover and pay to the state budget more than 11.3 billion VND; proposed to rectify, reduce the settlement value and handle other matters more than 8.7 billion VND; proposed to review the responsibilities of 51 collectives and 75 individuals.
Transfer information about the case to the Provincial Police Investigation Agency to review according to its authority 3 cases in the surprise inspection including: compliance with legal regulations for 4 bidding packages for purchasing foreign language teaching equipment invested by the Department of Education and Training; 3 bidding packages for investment in construction of medical wastewater treatment systems invested by the Department of Health and implemented by International Progress Joint Stock Company (AIC).
During the same period, the Provincial Inspectorate advised the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to investigate, verify and resolve 32/32 complaints and denunciations (28 complaints, 4 denunciations), reaching 100%; reviewed, processed petitions and reported the results of reviewing 18 cases of denunciations, recommendations and reflections and resolved 6 petitions/3 cases of recommendations under the authority of the Provincial Inspectorate.
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