Of which, the cases of land allocated without proper authority, encroached land that had been used stably before October 15, 1993 were 952 cases, with an area of 20.7 hectares (there were 703 cases of land allocated without proper authority, 212 cases of encroached land and 37 cases of land with arbitrarily changed purpose of use).
Suoi Hoa Ward is the area with the fewest cases of land violations in Bac Ninh city.
There were 1,993 cases of land allocated without proper authority, encroached land that had been used stably from October 15, 1993 to before July 1, 2004 with a total area of 34.7 hectares; classified by each case, there were 1,385 cases of land allocated without proper authority, with an area of 26.1 hectares, 476 cases of encroached land with an area of 5.64 hectares and 132 cases of land with arbitrarily changed purpose of use with an area of 2.96 hectares.
From July 1, 2004 to before July 1, 2014, there were 1,782 cases of unauthorized land allocation and encroachment with a total area of 27.56 hectares; of which there were 1,201 cases of unauthorized land allocation with an area of 18.34 hectares, 258 cases of encroachment and occupation, and 323 cases of land with unauthorized change of use purpose.
From July 1, 2014 to present, there have been 2 cases of land encroachment and 7 cases of unauthorized conversion of land use purposes in 5 wards: Dap Cau, Hoa Long, Kinh Bac, Nam Son, Van Duong.
Up to now, the authorities of Bac Ninh city have only handled nearly 100 cases, issued 17 Land Use Right Certificates, 1 case has just paid money, but has not been issued a Land Use Right Certificate...
Particularly for 9 cases of land allocation without proper authority and land encroachment from July 1, 2014 to present, the city authorities have issued decisions to handle administrative violations and pay fines, and notify self-dismantling to remedy the consequences.
Source: https://www.congluan.vn/thanh-pho-bac-ninh-con-hon-4700-truong-hop-dat-o-vi-pham-post303436.html
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