The Party Cell of Ky Phu People's Credit Fund (Ky Anh district - Ha Tinh) was established to meet the aspirations of party members, cadres and employees of Ky Phu Commune People's Credit Fund.
On the afternoon of May 19, the Standing Committee of the Ky Phu Commune Party Committee announced the decision to establish the Ky Phu People's Credit Fund Party Cell. Standing Deputy Secretary of the Ky Anh District Party Committee Tran Thanh Nam attended.
Ky Phu People's Credit Fund came into operation on March 31, 2012, with its headquarters in Ky Phu commune. Currently, the Fund has 8 staff members, including 6 party members; before establishing the Party cell, the party members participated in activities at village Party cells in Ky Phu commune.
Ky Phu People's Credit Fund Party Cell was established under Decision No. 94-QD/DU dated May 18, 2023 of Ky Phu Commune Party Committee.
Leaders of Ky Anh district and Ky Phu commune presented decisions and flowers to congratulate the Party Cell of Ky Phu People's Credit Fund.
The Ky Phu People's Credit Fund Party Cell is under the Ky Phu Commune Party Committee, consisting of 6 Party members. The Party Cell performs its functions and tasks according to the Party Charter and guiding documents of the higher-level Party organization.
The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Ky Phu commune appointed comrade Nguyen Thi Thuy - Director of Ky Phu People's Credit Fund to hold the position of Party Cell Secretary; comrade Tran Thi Minh Thao - Deputy Director of Ky Phu People's Credit Fund to hold the position of Deputy Party Cell Secretary, term 2022-2025.
Standing Deputy Secretary of Ky Anh District Party Committee Tran Thanh Nam gave a speech assigning tasks to cadres and party members of Ky Phu People's Credit Fund Party Cell.
The establishment of the Party cell meets the aspirations of Party members, cadres and employees in the Ky Phu People's Credit Fund. The Party cell will be the nucleus that directly leads the collective, cadres, Party members and employees to well implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws and policies, the Charter and local regulations and rules; contributing to building the Ky Phu Commune Party Committee increasingly stronger.
Vu Huyen
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